About We Are Magic
We Are Magic holds stories on the sweetness of life and the magic that unfolds when you listen to your Soul.
In this space, I make meaning of experiences and reveal parts of my Soul’s emergence in order to support the collective growth. I share these stories so you may listen to your own Soul, make your own meaning, allow your own catharsis, and discern the next best steps for your own evolution.
Your connection to your Soul is your most valuable currency. You can better sense that connection when you attune to the Soul field and to the wisdom and healing messages from the astral realm and ancestral field. I share a wide spectrum of practical stories, Soul lessons, rituals for reverence, multi-dimensional messages, and guidance on how to hear and follow your own Soul.
I hope this community—created in collaboration with my healthy and healed ancestors, and some valued spiritual energies—invites you to center abundance, adventure, ease, coherence, self-trust, and so much magic.
Because the more I listen to my Soul, the more I know that We Are Magic.
A Portal for Aliveness and Prosperity
Ultimately, We Are Magic is a portal for aliveness and prosperity.
Through my soulful stories and ancestral guidance, I create a field for you to be present; trust yourself; allow the Soul perspective; transcend the past; allow compassion and alignment; alchemize your pain into progress; make your own meaning; and honor the cycles and seasons of your Soul
Here are seven principles that support the Soul and flow throughout my stories.
You are frequency. You are consistently calling forth new life through your frequency, which is exhibited through how you feel, your aliveness, your presence, your allowing, and how you resonate within the Soul field.
You are love. Love is open, unbridled, flows without expectations, flows without need for reciprocity, and is all-that-is.
You are worthy. Just by your existence, you are worthy of kindness, generosity, abundance, love, rest, and joy.
You are protected. No matter the ups and downs that unfold in your life, you are protected by your Soul, spirit, ancestors, and passed loved ones. Everything you experience has meaning, if you desire to make meaning.
You are resourced. By the technology of your body, the energy of money, through community and connection, through inspired action, and through the ability to be still.
You are all-that-is. Your Soul is your divine essence. It is your connection to source, creation, universe, the eternal, and love. It is guidance, knowing, and remembering, all in one. All-that-is flows through your Soul and, thus, you are all-that-is.
Everything is always working out for you. Even when it doesn’t seem to be working out. In fact, in those moments when it doesn’t seem to be working out, the way is being cleared for the next best step, promise.
Hello, my name is Maggie Battista.
I’m an entrepreneur and award-winning author who heard my soul and ancestors speak through profound personal loss and intuitive activation.
As a storyteller, teacher, and ritualist, I now bridges dimensions and will never again forget that I’m a soul having a human experience.
I’ve written two books and coached thousands of makers and entrepreneurs on branding, storytelling, abundance, and growth. I write for soul-led brands, teachers, and entrepreneurs, and tell stories of aliveness, healing, transformation, and prosperity.
Through ten years of deep listening and a lifetime of self-study, I designed a practice to dialogue, heal, and manifest with the Soul’s Voice, the calm and all-knowing wisdom and language that surfaces from within when you get quiet and listen. I know it as the language of love buried deep within.
I’ve remembered my wholeness and aliveness through the study of Human Design, Mayan Cosmology, Breath work, Soul Attunement, the Gene Keys, Ancestral Reverence, the Akashic Records, Lunar Syncing, Receptive Living, and the sweetness of collaborating with Ceremonial Cacao, as well as through trusting my own sweet Soul.
We Are Magic holds an unfolding body of work that offers embodied and practical guidance on how to remember your wholeness; how to hold the pain of the earthly alongside the potential of all dimensions; how to infuse soul into business; and how to let in all the love.
Pain as a Portal
Your trauma represents a spectrum of gifts that unfolded in order for your Soul to evolve in this existence. That does not justify the trauma you experienced. That does not ease your pain. That does not explain it away or make it okay.
However, it is a truth that my Soul embodies.
Every traumatic experience is one side of a supreme gift that your Soul wishes to realize or even express in this lifetime. First and foremost, I offer this as one possible lens through which to view your pain.
Accordingly, I wish to share my gifts as they have emerged through my own particular traumas. This is a very vulnerable share, and yet, it feels relevant to those who may wish to join this space. You may resonate with the frequency of my gifts.
These are some gifts I have embodied or am embodying:
Compassion and forgiveness is my default state. For myself and others.
Far less judgment. Far more discernment. Fare more love.
I allow my pain and embrace the pain of others in order to find my way to transform all the pain into love.
I see every relationship or interaction as a reflection of what is meant to be remembered within me. Relationships are levers through which to discover personal gifts and emerge.
Allowing the bigness of my Soul’s calling is prioritized over playing small. This means I no longer dim my bigness to ease others.
Frequency and inspired creation eclipses strategy and manifestation.
I create on the inside first in order for my desires to reflect in the external.
The resonance of being and surrender is the path to receive.
Success transcends money. Success arrives from following my aliveness. Reframing success will be a focus of this space.
If a question persists, the answer has yet to reveal itself.
My path is to allow and harmonize all the parts of me, including all the voices within, allowing the Soul’s voice to guide my emergence.
I am whole, worthy, and perfect in every present state. You are, too.
Creators Statement
Your Soul desires a way through which to allow its fullest expression to emerge.
I heard the call to create this space as a canvas for my Soul to express, to share my lessons from decades of study and lived experience, as well as the messages I receive from multiple dimensions.
I heard my soul and ancestors speak through profound personal loss and intuitive activation, and now, I will never again forget that I’m a soul having a human experience.
On We Are Magic, I’ll share various stories, messages, modalities, and rituals to support your Soul’s emergence, including those from other teachers and special offerings that have aligned me with my path, that may align you with your path.
The invitation on the altar between us is to join this wide open community to take in what feels good and explore your own relationship with your Soul. As you take in these stories, please join us in online group sessions or join me in 1-on-1 resonance work directly with the ancestors, where you may allow your own Soul to activate and emerge.
As you engage with these stories, you support your own emergence and remembering. Thank you for your curiosity, kindness, and support.