12 Ways Listening to My Soul's Voice Changed My Entire Life

© Maggie Battista 2024

Nearly 10 years ago, I began hearing this voice within who wanted to change absolutely everything.

It wasn’t my intuition—that sensation is fast. This voice I was hearing was slow, peaceful, and calm.

And all this time later, I’m so glad I got quiet and still enough to hear what she wanted, what WE wanted.

Today, as a love letter to my Soul and yours—who may also wish for change, I’m sharing how awakening and following my Soul’s voice has changed my entire life.

If you want to change your entire life so you can fall in love with it again AND fall in love with YOU again, consider joining my next series of Cacao rituals.

See next set of dates here.

All participants will get replays to perform the rituals privately, too.

In safe space and with a collective of ancestors, you will feel, amplify, and align with your sweet Soul and cultivate the love force energy within to change it all and attract what’s really meant for you. 

Here are 12 Ways Listening to My Soul's Voice Changed My Entire Life. 💕



I wake up each morning in love with my life.


I can finally hear what I really, really want.


I live synced to the elements and the cycles of the earth.


I dismantled my old life and drove across the country to a new home based on a knowing.


I prioritize my perspective above all external perspectives.


I am turned on by silence, nature, the sun & moon, compassion, peace, and deep listening.


I trust myself explicitly. I never doubt my intuition, dreams, or feelings.


I love every soul because I believe all souls are inextricably connected.


I witness synchronicities & magic every single day.


I feel resourced and trust that I am always provided for when I lead from love.


I am in awe of everything including the contrast between dark and light.


I know that my ancestors are always with me.



Today is 6 Q’anil in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. The energy of Q’anil is that of the harvest. In the Mayan cosmology, the ripening of the corn leads to a true abundance of nourishment for the seasons to come. This is due to the vitality and work of the gardener, and that is the energy that radiates through Q’anil. There is a golden air between us, supportive of our biggest dreams. The sacred number 6 is the number of wholeness so you have all the support to bring in your harvest. Today is the day.


How to Awaken Your Life and Love Force Energy


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