Living in the Magic in Real Time
A selfie by the sea in Costa Rica. © Maggie Battista 2023
Well, it’s been a little while and I promise, I’ve thought about you almost daily since letting go of my old life, my old home, to live in the magic in real time.
I’ve actually been moving through a stretch of healing—after a surgical procedure—and it has allowed me to review and refine many areas of my life.
Let’s begin with examples of what “living in the magic in real time” is to me.
When I heard that I needed surgery to repair my ankle, my body felt a full on “yes” in an instant. Movement is essential to my energetic process—I need to move energy in and through the body to stay receptive and open. That “yes” pushed me into the magic in real time, into the stream, into the flow.
So, I gave notice to my landlord, gave away a lot of stuff, and began to pack up what remained. Only, I couldn’t stand for more than an hour or two per day, so I asked the universe, “What am I going to do? How am I going to pack up my stuff within two weeks?”
Like magic, women from across my life appeared to pack up my things. A stranger from Instagram showed up three times to do the majority of my packing—needless to say, she’s no longer a stranger! A dear food friend showed up to pack, too. And, a fellow pottery student arrived on the final day to bring it all together.
Simultaneously, I started searching for a new place to live to recuperate from surgery and had very little luck. My ankle meant I required first floor living—all amenities on one floor with no stairs—and that’s a very challenging ask in the summer by the sea.
When I spoke to a friend about the challenge—asking for her advice, she told me to come live with her for four weeks in the mountains prior to my surgery, to come home to a place I lived in my twenties. She ended the call with, “I love you,” and I felt its truth. That bit of magic offered me a place to land while I continued to search.
Two days before all my boxes were to be placed in storage—and still with no place to live during my surgery, a friend connected me to her sweet mother who happened to have extra rooms in her first floor home. It worked out, like magic, and after my stay in the mountains, I traveled back to the sea.
Now, surgery requires someone to be with you for a few days, just to make sure all is well post-anesthesia. (The soul likes to say, “All is well.”) I called an old college friend, asking for her help and advice. She was going to be on holiday but, like magic, she came to take care of me just after waking from my procedure.
I was feeling stressed about my surgical procedure. Some worry about anesthesia. Others worry about the skill of the surgeon. Not me.
I was most concerned with what the astral space during and after surgery would hold. I had heard so many stories from friends about their visions on anesthesia, and given my close tie to the ancestors, I was most concerned about what I may see.
In fact, I remember asking the universe to help me feel less anxious about that space, to help me have a gentle experience.
Minutes after that ask, like magic, a dear faraway friend called to volunteer that during her anesthesia procedure, she saw her father and heard his sweet affirming messages. I instantly felt eased and knew my ask had been answered.
Now, I had surgery nearly four weeks ago. My procedure was swift. I had no visions under anesthesia and I returned to my temporary home by the sea to figure out first-hand what life would be like without the use of one foot.
On the day after surgery, I decided to meditate twice. Now, I have replaced my meditation practice with a daily soul voice practice—you may wish to, as well, since it calms and centers you far faster than any meditation can—so it was odd that I chose to meditate.
My first hour long meditation was a kind of magic. I received what felt like, what I know to be, prophecies.
I saw me in sparkly shoes walking in the sand. I saw me with a gold wedding band on my left hand. I heard that a future romantic partner was sending healing vibes to me. When I asked who he was, I heard that they weren't going to tell me, that it needed to be a surprise. This is just a sample of the little snippets I received during that prophetic meditation.
A few hours later, I engaged in another hour long meditation, which held a lot more magic.
During that stretch of stillness, with my eyes closed but still awake, in my bed, in my bedroom, I received visits from my ancestors and spirit guides and sweet souls who had passed away.
Each of them walked up to my bed. Some gave me Reiki energy, healing energy, on my head, on my crown, on my ankle. Some of them brought their children to say hello. I even saw a short indigenous ancestor standing at the doorway to my bedroom, not quite coming in all the way, just checking on me.
Over the course of that hour, I probably received visits from 20 or 30 souls. At a distance, I could kind of make out each face. But every time I tried to zoom in and see each face with more clarity, that soul would disintegrate, like they didn't want me to see exactly who was there.
But I felt the energy of them checking in on me.
I heard them say that they were protecting me.
I heard them share that they were sending healing energy to me.
And, that’s what it feels like to live in the magic.
I met with my mentor recently. We discussed all of these unfolding bits of magic. I expressed a lot of curiosity about the person I was becoming and the magic I was stepping into.
She said, “It’s not in the future. It’s here now. You’re already her.”
I put my hands over my eyes as I cried tears of deep knowing.
There’s was one bit of magic that unfolded at the hospital.
When I met the nurse who would be with me during my procedure and when I woke from the anesthesia, I made a quick ask of her.
“This may sound wild, but could you please let me know the first words I say when I wake up from anesthesia?”
She explained, “Listen, people say wild things so it may be crazy.”
I said, “Trust me. I will know if it’s crazy or if there’s meaning in it.”
She agreed.
When I woke up in the post-operative room, she was seated right next to me.
A few moments or many minutes after I had been awake, I remembered to ask her, “Oh, wait, what did I say?”
She said, “You said, ‘Thanks for waking me up from the matrix.’”
This is what unfolds when you begin listening to your soul, to its voice, to its own kind of language that it uses to communicate with all the parts of you.
You begin to center yourself and move from a place of self-trust.
You begin to follow your “yes” and ignore all the things that aren’t meant for you.
You begin to allow soul to lead your life and work.
You begin to live life on your own terms and get free.
I help you awaken to the magic and the power of your soul so you can find love, peace, wholeness, meaning, soul family, and do big new things with ease.
Join me and others on Wednesday, July 31st for a free masterclass. It’s called:
HOLD SPACE for your soul
During this 2-hour masterclass, you will:
Learn about the Soul’s Voice
Get timely messages and answers from my Soul’s Voice
Witness your Soul’s Voice live, if you desire
Receive wisdom from all Soul Voices present
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