Resonance for the Week of January 5, 2024
The hallway at a yoga studio and holistic spa in Austin, Texas. © Maggie Battista 2025
Resonance Themes
A Freestyle Resonance Transmission
This is a freestyle transmission that is natural, organic, and rich with timely stories, messages, and synchronicities tied to the resonance of the moment. Think of it like a personal radio station designed just for you, a la minute.
Video Length: 18:00 minutes
The audio and text transcript are down below.
“Hello, sweet souls. How are you? Welcome. It is nice to see you again. I am excited to come in and deliver some information, some messages on the energy between us, or what I call the resonance for the week beginning January 4 [I meant, January 5].
There's a lot coming in, but I think it's going to be concise and tight today. Before we begin, I'm not like some of the other channels where we just get right into it. I kind of want to, like, create a space between us. So I invite you to take three deep breaths, if it's safe for you to do that. And if it's safe, you can close your eyes, and I'll guide you through those deep breaths.
Breath number one, in through the nose and out through the mouth.
And breath number two, in through the nose, and imagine it going all the way down to your base and then out through the mouth.
And with breath number three, imagine it going all the way down to your base and going out through your crown—breath number three.
Hi, hello. How are you? I'm so glad that you're here with me today. There's a lot to talk about. Today is a very auspicious day for me in particular, but for most. I, as you know, I study the Mayan Sacred Calendar. So today is 8 Tijax in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. And you know, eight is the kind of like big ceremonial number where we celebrate. It brings the wholeness of the directions, of the elements, all together, of the pillars that hold up the sky. And Tijax is all about healing. It is the obsidian blade that cuts through the nonsense, the fluff, to reveal the truth. And we're in the middle of the B’atz trecena, which, when I feel into these energies and when I hear the Calendar speak to me, there is an element of healing, witnessing our healing, allowing some, some finality, so that we can come into our fullest expression and create and make and begin to create. So I want to leave that with you, and I want to get into the resonance.
But first I want to say, Hi. I'm Maggie. I am a storyteller and a soul voice channel. I heard my soul and its voice almost 10 years ago. I'm also a Cacao ritualist, and none of this is coincidental. Ceremonial Cacao is a plant medicine of my lineage, and it called me in, and it helps me hear my Soul. So I actually brought a cup of Cacao to today's recording. And if you have tea or coffee or Cacao, you're welcome to drink it with me. Before I drink Cacao, I always whisper into it so give me just a moment.
Thank you for being here with me. Okay, we have four or five key themes for this week, and I want to share them with you. If you're here, and you resonate, I think they will make sense to you.
So we're starting a new Gregorian calendar year, right? We're also starting the B’atz trecena and the message that I keep hearing this week through all my interactions, through all my collaborations with the ancestors, is stop looking for yourself outside of you. You're right here. Stop looking for yourself in the media or in social media. Stop looking for yourself through the eyes of your friends or your family. Stop looking for yourself through the job or the career that you choose. You are right here. Here. Your Soul is right here.
I mean, your Soul is your divinity expressed. Your soul is connected to all that is. We are all one soul, and yet it does flow through you, right? And your Soul has a voice. And increasingly, I'll be sharing videos on how to hear your Soul's voice, because the voice is the language of love that's buried deep within you that you are welcome to give priority to over all the other voices around you, if you desire. That's up to you. But I did.
I started listening to my Soul's voice almost 10 years ago, first in little whispers and then in loud roars and then through the magic that was unfolding around me, the sweetness of my life.
As such, the invitation to you is to remember that you're right here. There's no need for you to look outside of yourself for anything or anyone, not even to a partner. You're right here. Be here.
I'm also hearing you don't need someone's approval to be all of you, and this is a concept that I struggled with for many decades, right? I was constantly trying to prove myself to other people, prove myself to my parents, prove myself to partners, prove myself to friends or family. Do enough to make them love me.
Now, as I listen to my Soul, I know I do not need someone else's approval to be me. Neither do you. When feedback comes to me, reflections come to me, I receive them, and I allow them, and I bring curiosity to them, and also I know who I am, and I give myself permission, full permission, to pursue and be who I am. And that is a message that's very alive in the field right now, because there's a lot of input and messages and content from voices, entities around us, that want to tell us who to be or how to be, or what to be. And the invitation that I'm leaving with you today is you do not need someone's approval. Give yourself permission to be all of you. Give yourself permission to choose you, to hold you, to soothe you through it all.
Now I realize in choosing you, in choosing you, that can bring some isolation, that can bring some loneliness. And there is a difference between being alone and lonely. I'm sure you've heard lots of people talk about that as a concept.
I may be alone. You may be alone a lot of the time, especially when you make choices that others do not agree with, to be more of who you are. And you may experience feelings of loneliness, but they're two separate things, and the more you root into your Soul, who you are at your core, the less lonely you get.
That doesn't mean we don't need people. Of course, we need community, but there's a balance, right? It is in our solitude, our aloneness, that we really get to know who we are and what we want, so that we can give ourselves the permission to pursue that and the invitation that I'm leaving on the altar between us is to reframe the loneliness you may feel as freedom, as a kind of freedom, as a kind of freedom to be who you wish to be, as a kind of freedom to allow all that is to move through you, to surface through you and allow the feelings of loneliness and as you feel them, when you feel them, after you feel them, see the gift in the freedom.
You have to stop adhering to others rules or expectations of you, that's the invitation. Reframe loneliness as freedom. That will help you in pursuing all that you are, all that you are meant to be, all that you want to do in this lifetime.
The moon right now is in Pisces. Today it's in Pisces. It's in a waxing crescent phase. You know, we're building toward fullness in about 10 days to the Wolf Moon. And it is possible that some of you are feeling feelings, lots of feelings, right? Feeling anxious, whether you're in a relationship or just about life, just about like the practicalities of living this life.
That feeling of anxiousness, if it persists, can be a kind of surfacing of the rejection or the abandonment core wound that really needs presencing, that really needs grieving.
So I am hearing—as feelings continue to arise during this phase, as anxiety may be arising, as you give yourself permission to do all the things you're meant to do, as you reframe loneliness as freedom, we want you to feel all the things and presence those feelings, presence that grief.
Gone are the days where you feel sad or anxious or lonely and you stuff those feelings down and maybe think you'll deal with them at some point in the future. We can't do that anymore. Your body is a vessel for holiness. Your body is a vessel for creation. And to the extent that you can keep things moving, keep things integrating, the more you'll be able to pursue what you came here to pursue, whatever that is. And maybe it's just live this life and have a good time. Or maybe it is create some super big project. Or maybe it is be an artist off in the woods. Or maybe it is make a business that changes the world.
Whatever it is, the invitation is to presence the anxiety that so many of us are feeling right now, that I feel, that all of us feel. No matter how many tools I have at the ready, there is still anxiety. And my invitation to me to my Soul, my Soul invites me to presence, to grieve it, to allow it.
And so, I also hear that the surfacing of these emotions and these feelings as you feel them and allowing them, that's cleansing. That's a kind a kind of cleansing, a kind of purification, a kind of limpia in the body, right? So, allow it just allow it to be what it is.
And then I'm also hearing that right now, you know, Venus is in Pisces right now. It's just a beautiful, dreamy, feeling time there's a lot of beauty and a lot of love in the air, in the resonance between us. I know for me, that translates into cultivating a new home that I just moved into, and really bringing in very few things and making it as beautiful as possible. Showing this body and this soul that I love it by creating a cozy environment. And also what's very alive in the field is Venus in Pisces really infuses our relationships with so much potential, right? So allow your collaborations and your exchanges to be filled with possibility, to be filled with the sweetness that's there. Notice that sweetness, and if you hear the call, take chances in love and in beauty.
And I mean love, empirically, all kinds of love, showing more love to your neighbor, showing more love to yourself, showing more love to your partner, being out in the world to meet a potential partner, if that's something that is important to you.
I keep hearing that this energy of Venus in Pisces is like, get in flow and get in glow, like flow and glow, flow and glow. The more you flow during this time, like the more you will be lit up, right? That the beauty that is you will come to the surface. It's already there. You're already so beautiful. And the more you flow, the more you allow it to kind of emanate from your face, from your body, from your words. So that's what I'm hearing today. That's what I'm hearing right now.
I'm just being quiet for a moment, taking a sip of Cacao, and I just want to get back to the fact that I began hearing my Soul's voice when I began very casually drinking Ceremonial Cacao almost ten years ago. And there is an intelligence in that it took me a long time to integrate the medicine, to work with the medicine. It took me nearly eight years of working with the medicine at various degrees, to decide to hold ceremony, to decide to study how to offer Cacao rituals in collaboration, for me, it's in collaboration with the Mayan Sacred Calendar and the energy of the Maya. And if you'd like to learn how to do that, just so you know, I have a little tiny course. It's called Heal with Cacao, and I'll put it in the description. And it's on sale this month through the end of January, and it's like, I don't know, like 10 or 12 hours? Is that what it is? I'm gonna look at what it is. It is several hours of videos, a 90 page PDF transcription, a Cacao ritual script for your own ritual so you can begin, and audio transmissions that guide you through the process.
So if you want to begin your journey with Ceremonial Cacao, you can check my link in bio, but that is the resonance of this moment.
You know, it is time for you to remember that you're right here, you're not out there, and you don't need someone's approval to be all of you, not at all. So those are the messages I leave on the altar between us, and I'll be back next week with another resonance of the week, and I'll also start sharing more videos on how I heard my Soul and how I surface my Soul's voice so be on the lookout for those.
Thanks so much. Take care of you.”
The resonance themes for the week of January 5, 2025. © Maggie Battista 2025
This write up is a guided story and summary of what feels most resonant in the now based on my clairvoyant gifts, multidimensional messages, and ongoing studies in Ancestral Reverence, Mayan Cosmology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Western Astrology, Lunar Cycle Study, Soul Attunement and the Soul's Voice, Receptive Living, the Embodied Masculine & Feminine Polarities, and Deep Stillness in Meditation.
Today is 8 Tijax in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. Tijax is the nawal of the obsidian blade that cuts through the cloudiness to reveal the truth and remove the dis-ease. The sacred number 8 is the ultimate wholeness. Today, we are finally allowing something to dissolve in order to remember just how complete we are now. In the trecena of B’atz, it’s like the healing is allowing us to come into our fullest expression through our gifts, our services, our creativity, and our artistry, you choose.