Resonance for the Week of January 13, 2025
A peek into my new home in Austin, Texas. © Maggie Battista 2025
Resonance Themes
A Freestyle Resonance Transmission
This is a freestyle transmission that is natural, organic, and rich with timely stories, messages, and synchronicities tied to the resonance of the moment.
Video Length: 15:45 minutes
The text transcript is down below. There is no audio file this week.
There is no audio file this week.
“Hello, sweet souls. How are you? How are you doing? How are you feeling? How are things going?
I'm a little late with today's message, with this week's resonance, but I know that there's a reason for that, and so thank you for meeting me here today. I just set everything up and pressed record and started.
I just really want to start speaking, because there's a lot that's coming through, and I think there is a method to the way all these messages are coming through today.
So this is a super powerful week. There is a lot happening, and I think that part of me was a day late because I was processing and receiving all that was happening. I was moving through the 111 portal, the January 11 portal. One is such a powerful number.
And I was preparing myself for today, which is the full moon. It's a full moon in cancer. And there's a lot of stuff happening over the rest of this month, and I'm getting like, two or three dueling messages in many ways—like they feel like they're opposites, but they're not—because we can hold opposites. We can hold polarities in the body, right?
So first and foremost, I'm hearing the call to say to you, no matter what you're moving through right now, and you're likely moving through a lot, the invitation is to hold the vision.
Hold the vision energetically for what is unfolding for you, for what is unfolding for all. And this is coming through me in the form of something that happened in the last couple of weeks.
I received a phone call from a very frantic friend, frantic, like they were freaking out about something, blowing something way out of proportion without having all the information right.
And I got silent, I got still, and I listened. I just listened. I do a lot of listening when friends call and I got off the phone, and over the next few days, I proceeded to hold the frequency of love and compassion and authenticity for all, but certainly for this individual. And I was silent, and I sort of basked in that energy.
I held that energy, and over the course of the several days, by doing nothing physically with my hands, I didn't call this person back. They moved through some big shifts and let me know that their perspective had shifted. Their perspective had shifted to possibility, to, I don't know, to love, to, what if really good things happen, right? What if everything's working out?
And so it reminded me how important it is to hold the vision, not just the vision or the image, the dream, but also the frequency, the resonance between us.
And so my invitation to you is to hold the frequency, the frequency of your vision, the frequency of love and compassion, the frequency of whatever you're bringing to life, or whatever you wish to bring to life. And maybe that is love. Maybe that is connection with family. Maybe that is abundance. Maybe that is understanding your soul work, your purpose. Maybe that is next steps, clarity around next steps. Maybe that is adventure. Maybe that is expansion. Maybe that is moving to a brand new land. Whatever it is, the invitation in the frequency of this week, with everything happening in the sky, everything happening on the earth, is to hold the vision, hold the frequency, and I'm just going to call it love.
For me, I'm going to call it love because for me, love encapsulates everything. It encapsulates prosperity and connection and abundance, and it also holds the space for like, being your most authentic self and following the call.
So no matter what's happening this week, that's the invitation. That's the big invitation. Hold the vision, especially given today and what the next few days will bring. And I don't mean from a prophetic standpoint, today is a full moon in Cancer and Cancer rules the fourth house of home and family. It is very emotional. It is very watery.
There's probably a lot that has or will continue to come up for you, not just in these topics, right, not just plain old emotions and feelings, but also whatever is coming up for you wherever cancer is in your chart that may also be affected as well. And you can look at your zodiac chart somewhere on the internet, so you can understand where that's coming up for you.
But lots of emotions are coming up this week, because there's lots of changes. There lot there's lots of like shifts happening energetically. So hold the vision while you feel the feelings. And we can do this. Of course, we can do this. You can do this. I know you can.
There's another message coming through, and it is about the fact that everything is new, right now, everything is a new. You are a new. You are brand new to yourself, at least, and likely to others, right? And so as this new version of yourself, try something different, do something different, understanding that this is a time of experimentation, we really haven't hit the full force of what's coming in this chronological year, in 2025 right?
So I'm hearing the call to spend the next several weeks continuing to experiment. Experiment with who you are. Experiment with different structures and systems for holding your work. Experiment by doing the opposite of what you might normally do. Experiment with if you would naturally criticize yourself or judge yourself, doing the opposite and just allowing it, just allowing yourself to be, embracing your quirks, your ingenuity, your criticism, just allowing it all to be, right?
We're in a time of experimentation, and so I invite you to experiment with who you are and what you allow, and to find a way to flow as much as possible. Flow, right? This is what I think about when I think of flow, me moving back and forth in the ocean.
So there's another thing that's coming through which I think is complicated and probably not so complicated as well, and that is an invitation to remember that this realm or dimension that we're in right now, where you see me and I see you, where you go and you buy groceries, where you maybe watch the news and see what's happening, where you witness the catastrophes happening all over the world, where you go to the post office or go to the doctor, where you support your people, where you sit down on the sofa and watch TV—that realm is the dream, like we are living in the dream.
The way an ancestor explained it to me once—is this realm, is the dream, and when we go to sleep at night, that is the truth. What happens at night when we sleep, that is reality, the connections, the messages, the healing that happens there, that is what's real, and the getting up and going to the gym, making yourself breakfast, going to work, that is the dream. We are living in the dream, right? And if that is true, if this is dreamy, right, then this is all possibility. It's all potential. Anything is possible in this realm, it does ask you to, kind of like, pull down some of the boundaries in your mind a little bit, to blur the lines, to remember that when you go to sleep at night, you are entering another realm that is just as relevant, just as important, if not more vital, than the 3d that you're in today. The healing happens there. The remembering of your wholeness happens there. The connections happens there, in energetic space, in frequency, right?
They're showing me an image of—I was in a deep meditation a few weeks ago, and I was really in it as if I was asleep, but I was awake and sitting straight up, and in that space, I met up with someone who I hadn't seen in years, someone with whom I believe I had some unfinished business, right?
And so in that space, I was able to meet with that person. We were able to have a conversation, and it was beautiful. We were out in a field under a tree, and we were exchanging messages—thank you’s, I'm sorry, all the things that we wanted to exchange. And 20 minutes later, when I came out of that meditation, I felt so open, so wide open to possibility, so clear.
That's real, because it affects me in every other realm, in every other dimension. And I do feel like some of that work with that person is done, is closed, right?
So when you wake up in the morning, when you wake up from your sleep, ask yourself, What can I do in this dream world today? Which is the real world, but it is the dream. What can I do in the 3d today? What can I achieve? What can I make?
So that's what I'm hearing today Short, but sweet. I think there'll be a lot of ups and downs this week. You are new, and it's time for you to experiment as if you are new. Hold the frequency and the vision of your becoming alongside all the feelings you're going to feel this week. You can do it. You can do it, and remember that you're living in a dream world in so many respects, and it's up to you to connect with your soul, with your highest self, and decide what you're going to do in this world, in this realm right now, with what you have at your fingertips, with the sweet soul that is within you and around you, right?
That's the invitation that I leave with you today. So short, but sweet, but purposefully short but sweet. There's so much happening, and I'm just sharing the highlights. I think the highlights are what matters the most.
As you move through this week, we'll be moving to and toward one of the most important days in the Mayan Sacred Calendar later this weekend. And there's a lot of like celebration around this weekend. There's a lot of sweetness around this weekend. I invite you into it. Notice the sweetness in your life. Be with it and hold the vision through all of the ups and the downs. Hold that vision because if it's in you, it's there for a reason, for a purpose that is likely guided by your soul, by the divinity, by your sensitivity that moves within you.
That feels like plenty. If you want to know more about me and read all my stories or watch all my videos or listen to my audio stories, you can go to for that, and if you want to work with me 1 on 1, where I bring in the ancestors to provide soul wisdom, you can go to for that.
Until next time, I'm just sending you so much love and so much magic.”
The resonance themes for the week of January 13, 2025. © Maggie Battista 2025
This write up is a guided story and summary of what feels most resonant in the now based on my clairvoyant gifts, multidimensional messages, and ongoing studies in Ancestral Reverence, Mayan Cosmology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Western Astrology, Lunar Cycle Study, Soul Attunement and the Soul's Voice, Receptive Living, the Embodied Masculine & Feminine Polarities, and Deep Stillness in Meditation.
Today is 3 Kame in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. Kame is the energy of death and transformation, the space deeply connected to the ancestors and their messages of wisdom and guidance, the cycle that is deeply connected to the cycle of life and the moment of ending and beginning. The sacred number 3 is that which reflects our inner world because it’s not an easy number when it comes to the external world. Today’s transformation may be challenging. Allow the death, allow the challenge. You will emerge more whole on the other side.