Resonance Guide, October 21, 2024
Just me, standing in front of a mirror, asking me to love me, in Canyon Lake, Texas. © Maggie Battista 2024
Resonance Themes
Go Easy on Yourself / Hope & Renewal / Patience / Sweetness / Glimpses of Joy / Beginning of the Integration / New Breath Emerges / Courage & Bravery / You Got This
A Freestyle Transmission on the Resonance
This is a short freestyle audio transmission that is natural, organic, and rich with timely messages and synchronicities. Think of it as tuning the dial to a personal radio station designed just for this community, a la minute. Length: 11:02 minutes
Monday is Moon Day
I am out in Hill Country, exploring the hills and canyons of the early edges of west Texas. And as I move from point to point, I’ve noticed the sweetest of the moon, the moon that was full last week, following me, looking after me, blessing me with its light. This resonance is weaving itself through the air on this Monday.
I feel like I have a lot to do, and yet, I also feel an ease that it will all get done as it will, as tiny actions sliding into nooks of time that are just the right moments. So no matter how stacked with tasks you may feel, allow the sweetness of this energy to move you through your to-do list with ease, allow the sweetness to remind you that receiving is half the work, always.
Do yourself a favor and feel into your body and its emotions today. There is an intelligence hidden in you just waiting to be revealed. You will know it when it rises. Let it out. As you let it out, you let your sweet soul evolve.
Today is 10 Iq’
This is a sweet day in the Mayan Sacred Calendar, albeit powerful and forceful. Iq’ is the energy of communication. It is the breath of life that moves through us and all. It is the inspired language and message that speaks from us to contribute to the unfolding nature of our community.
The sacred number 10 is the number of community. It represents the ten fingers on two hands that come together to uphold culture and society, or create it anew.
When I feel these two energies together, I sense that some sweet message from your inner voice, from your sweet soul, will support your people, your neighborhood, your soul family. Alternatively, your community may breathe some new inspiration into you and your unfolding purpose.
In collaboration, all messages rising to the surface right now support the transformation of all.
The Moon is in its Waning Gibbous Phase
Given the full moon last week, the moon is currently decreasing its light, moving from full and round, to only partially lit. As such, whatever we discovered about ourselves, whatever revelation came to light last week, is slowly getting integrated.
You may hear the call to go inward soon, to prepare for the upcoming new moon phase in 10 days. During this time, sit with, marinate in, feel into, all that you are learning about yourself. Allow the messages to penetrate your psyche. It is during this darkening phase that the greatest insights reveal themselves.
I love this time between the full moon and the new moon. We’re balancing any inspired action with listening to the lessons that wish to emerge. They may not all come to the surface for another week or so but the more gifted we are at listening, the more ready we will be to hear new truths and take new paths.
The resonance themes of October 21, 2024. © Maggie Battista 2024
This write up is a guided story and summary of what feels most resonant in the now based on my clairvoyant gifts, multidimensional messages, and ongoing studies in Ancestral Reverence, Mayan Cosmology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Western Astrology, Lunar Cycle Study, Soul Attunement and the Soul's Voice, Receptive Living, the Embodied Masculine & Feminine Polarities, and Deep Stillness in Meditation.