Resonance Guide, December 15, 2024
A coffee and a sit at Radio Coffee in South Austin, Texas. © Maggie Battista 2024
Resonance Themes
A Freestyle Transmission on the Resonance
This is a freestyle video transmission that is natural, organic, and rich with timely stories, messages, and synchronicities tied to the resonance of the moment. Think of it like a personal radio station designed just for you, a la minute.
Video Length: 19:52 minutes
There is no audio transmission. The text transcript is down below.
“Hello, sweet cells, how are you? How are you doing? How are you feeling? Hi, hello.
I'm glad we're here together today in this moment, and if your life is a little bit wild right now, I hope that these few moments together offer a little bit of peace, right? A little bit of time to go within and to listen to these messages that I'm here to share, these stories that have come to me for the week, because it's a big time, it's a big week. And we need you. We need you. I need you, not in a kind of way that I need you to do something, but in a kind of way that I need to know you exist, and I'm so happy that you exist.
So I am recording this on December 16, but it applies for the week of December 15. And December 15 was a full moon. It was a Full Moon in Gemini. And so there was a lot, there was a lot of feelings. And so I felt like it would be a service to me and to you to record this a day later.
So we have a lot to talk about. I'm going to share the resonance of this week. And the resonance is what is felt between words, between what is happening in the heart of the sky and the heart of the earth. It is the energy, the notes, right? The tone. And I pay particular attention to what's not being said, even when things that are being said are really, really powerful and interesting, that's super important. Right? Words matter and also what's being felt in my body, in between us and your body is just as, if not, more important.
And so I want to begin today by first saying something that keeps coming to me, there are few sentences that keep coming to me this week. They are messages for all.
You know, I work with the wisdom of my own Soul, the divine essence that moves through me, the calm and all knowing wisdom and language that surfaces when we get quiet and when we listen. And also, I work with a collective of ancestors who speak to me, and they speak to me in lots of ways, including in my dreams, including through what's happening in the world, including through what happens in my own life. And then I get to discern which parts are for me and which parts are for all.
And I started recording these videos to be able to share with you the resonance, what I'm hearing in between everything, the stories, the messages that wish to come forward for you.
And what I'm hearing first and foremost is, you are the ritual. You are the ritual. I'm a ritualist, and I perform lots of rituals. I do cacao rituals, I do lots of other kinds of rituals. And yet, more than anything, at this time, you are the ritual. You are the healing. You are the manifestation. The manifestation is you.
And it's important that whatever you're moving through, whatever you're performing, whatever you're doing, whatever you're making, remember to come back to the fact that, to the truth that, you are the ritual. It is about you and your body and your Soul.
Your Soul has a body. Your Soul has a body, and it needs your body. It needs your body to be healed and whole and expanded, and you are those things. You just need to remember. And this is your time. You are remembering. Many of us are remembering right now. You are unfolding into a new you, a more connected you, a more alive you is coming online, and I know this for lots of reasons, but know that, like this whole year for me has been about changing a life, my life becoming more alive, and it's been growing inside of me for many years, and now I'm meant to, I'm designed to share it with you so that you can remember that your compass is your Soul, and it follows your aliveness. And to truly feel into your aliveness, to allow it to take up space in your body, you need to remember how whole you are, and you need to allow whatever feel… healing needs to happen. I wanted to say, whatever feeling needs to happen, allow the feeling, allow the healing. This is particularly important now.
I'm a student of Mayan cosmology and the Mayan Sacred Calendar. I've been studying and working with it for a few years. My ancestors called me back to it, and today, December 16, we start a new trecena. It is the trecena of Tijax.
Tijax is the warrior and the healer, the spiritual healer. These next 13 days, which is a cycle in the Sacred Calendar, are really all about our healing, about cutting away what we have learned, what we have detected, is no longer for us. And that doesn't mean necessarily just the things outside of us. It means the things within us too.
What stories need to be cut away? What have we been telling ourselves? What have you been telling yourself that needs to be cut away? What actions have you been doing that need to be released right? What habits no longer serve you?
They were fine for a period of time, but they're just not for the new you anymore. This is a time when we're coming into our healing era. Now, I know many of you have been healing for a long time, but this week in particular is going to ask you to remember your wholeness, because there's so much sweetness that's occurring in the heavens and on the planet, even despite the wildness and the chaos, there is so much sweetness and to be able to see it, I ask you to remember how whole you are. I ask you to remember how much you have healed.
So there are a few themes for this week that have been coming up, and it really started with your Soul has a body, and making sure you understood that your Soul exists everywhere. All souls exist everywhere. They are pure divinity, pure aliveness, right? And they flow through you, and they are in this body, in this moment.
Sometimes they are out of body, right? But your Soul has a body, and it needs space to become. It needs space to change. It needs space to allow peace and calm and all the abundance that you desire.
And so, given the full moon yesterday, given what's coming forth over the next few weeks, the invitation is to let it go, let it all go, release what no longer serves within and without, right? That's within, so with that—as above, so below.
I invite you to release what you no longer need in this body so that you can reflect the pure love that you are. Literally take a broom and sweep it up. Sweep your home as a ritual, as a reflection of sweeping up what no longer serves you within. Less is more. A lot less is so much more.
I know this. I know this, especially over this year. I have released so much, so much in the physical, so much within right? So much. I no longer need all these stories. This whole year has been a series of stories that just need to be detached from, right? I no longer need them. And also I have let go of so much stuff, so much stuff.
I literally, literally like left a home on the East Coast, got rid of most things, shipped what was essential to the southwest, and now I'm finally moving into a new home, and I'm like, Okay, what do I really need? What do I need to buy, and what do I don't need to buy? Where can I leave space in my new home? Right? Space within here?
So I need you to release. And your releasing could be sweeping, and you're releasing could be crying. It could be feeling, feel, feel to heal. Allow it, feel to heal. That's the first theme that has come up in the ether, in the spaciousness.
There is another. We need you to release, so that you can allow all the energetic upgrades that are happening right now. Some of you have reached out saying, I'm getting downloads. Some of you have reached out saying, I want to do things differently. Your body is changing. It's shifting, right? It is feeling into a new way. It is releasing so it can continue to feel into a new way, right?
We're not in the world of mind-led living, of allowing our brilliance to be the only thing that guides us. We're in the era of body led living, of receptive living, of moving moment by moment, to the extent that it's possible, right? Of following the body and where the feelings are in the body and releasing them and letting them go.
It's so interesting to me because in particular, I've been feeling a lot of old pain in the body, pain that emerged many, many years ago at the beginning of this journey, close to 10 years ago, and I'm feeling the body now suddenly, as a reminder, as a reflection of all that I have released and allowed. It's almost like the old stories, the old way is kind of holding on a little bit, trying to hold on. I can sense it when I'm trying to control things, right? I can sense it when I'm trying to over plan and over organize. It invites me to step back and be like, Whoa!
We're just moving moment by moment. Now we are living receptively. We are allowing the downloads to come. We are allowing the energy to shift. We are allowing the energy in our bodies to shift. Do less, feel more. So that's the second theme.
And then there's one other theme that's coming up. I have felt it through so many. People may call them premonitions. Some people may call them visions, right? But there is so much sweetness that has the potential to unfold this week. For you, so much sweetness, given everything happening in the sky and its connection to everything happening on the earth, there's so much sweetness that you could allow in this week, and it could be super simple. It could be a friendship, a new friendship, it could be a new partner. It could be a new opportunity. It could be just a spaciousness to notice beauty, to notice love. And so the invitation is to allow it to come forward and to do that we, we stay in the frequency of gratitude. We stay in the frequency of love, right? We say, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I literally was in a vision earlier today in a meditation where I met someone, and we just said thank you to each other 10 or 20 times, and my energy just kind of rose through the roof right when that happened.
Gratitude is so powerful, and that doesn't mean you have everything that you need, or that you have everything that you want, or that you look at this world and think it's perfect. This world is challenging, right? Being a human is challenging. Being a soul in a body is challenging, let alone dealing with the chaos that's unfolding all around us, you know, and it's not just in the United States, it's all over the world.
And yet, there are still moments. There are still moments of sweetness, if you wish to notice them, and those moments of sweetness can raise not just the frequency for yourself and your sweet soul, and expand your capacity for love and abundance and all of things, but also for the collective, right?
So if you can this week, remember to say thank you. Find moments to offer gratitude, especially in moments when you may not have traditionally offered gratitude, like maybe you don't traditionally say thank you to your partner on a regular basis, because you just expect they're going to be sweet and kind and nice to you. And maybe you have an agreement, an implicit agreement, but that's okay. How about you say thank you this week? How about you use words? You say thank you. You give them a hug. You give them a nod.
When you say thank you, you stand there and put your hand on your heart and allow that gratitude to kind of emanate from you, right? I do that a lot with people with whom, you know, when I want them to feel how much love I have for them, how much gratitude I have for them. So say thank you. Speak to your guides. If you believe in guides, if you believe in angels, if you believe in ancestors, well, ancestors are a fact, right? But if you believe you can communicate to your ancestors, then speak to them. Talk to them. Call them by their names. Call them by whatever name comes to mind, right? Trust that they're there and they're listening because they are, whether you believe it or not, they are. And even say things like, notice, you can ask them for things. You can ask them for support, right?
I'm so sorry I got cut off so let me keep going. I mentioned gratitude. I mentioned speaking to your guides and your angels and your ancestors. You can express gratitude to them. You can also ask for support. You can ask them to allow what is happening and to bring you this or something even better, and allow them to help you.
And I think the last piece of experiencing this sweetness is waiting for all the information to come in. You can just enjoy. You don't have to make big choices this week. You can, but you don't. You can wait for the intelligence to drop in. You can wait for knowing all the things. You will know all the things when you need to know all the things, and then you can make choices. And I actually use this language with people now, when I'm speaking to them, maybe to providers or doctors or clients, I might say, I don't think I have all the information yet. And that doesn't mean that I need you to say more words to me. It means I have to wait and listen, right?
And there's so much sweetness in the waiting. I know it can be hard too, because we're humans, but the soul is so, so happy to allow allowing, to allow that calmness, that peace.
So that's the resonance for this week. That's what I've been hearing. Those are the stories I heard to share with you as we are coming into this wild, good, tender, but sweet week.
You are the ritual. Follow your body. Your soul has a body. Take care of this body. It needs this body. So that's what I'm leaving on the altar between us this week, and I hope to be back at some point next week with another offering. And I'm just sending you so much love and so much magic and so much sweetness and so much gratitude for being here with me. Until next time, take care.”
The resonance themes for the week of December 8, 2024. © Maggie Battista 2024
This write up is a guided story and summary of what feels most resonant in the now based on my clairvoyant gifts, multidimensional messages, and ongoing studies in Ancestral Reverence, Mayan Cosmology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Western Astrology, Lunar Cycle Study, Soul Attunement and the Soul's Voice, Receptive Living, the Embodied Masculine & Feminine Polarities, and Deep Stillness in Meditation.
Today is 1 Tijax in the Mayan Sacred Calendar and, as such, we begin a new trecena (13 day cycle) that ushers in our healing era. The energy of Tijax represents the surgeon or the sculptor who cuts away the disease in order to renew the body on all levels, but especially the spiritual one. The sacred number one represents new beginnings. This is the beginning of your next healing journey. The invitation is to release old stories, habits, people, projects, and concepts that no longer serve the new you so you may full step into your sweet Soul.