Soul Message: Whoever You Wish to Be, You Are Already Her
A Soul Message with the Ancestors
A soul voice message inspired by this tarot card pull. © Maggie Battista 2024
As I enter the month of August, I'm feeling an enormous build up of energy, a building of energy that may finally reach a culmination point.
It feels like a “pulling all the major arcana cards in a tarot deck” moment. In fact, yesterday, I pulled the Fool (New Beginnings), the Lovers (Relationships, Love), and the Star (Healing, Renewal, Inspiration).
Like wow.
After a cup of Ceremonial Cacao this morning, I sat with the ancestors and asked them for ancestral insight on the energy of this time.
Here is what they said:
“Now is the time. There is no other time but now.
Whatever you wish to begin, begin it now.
Whatever you wish to do, do it now.
Whatever you wish to make, make it now.
Whoever you wish to be, you are already her. You are already him. You are already them.
There is no more waiting.
There is no more hemming and hawing before some starting line.
The buzzer has gone off and it's time to go.
Go toward your dreams.
Go toward your new business.
Go toward the destiny that is calling you, that has been calling to you for months or years or since your birth, since you arrived in this body.
What are you waiting for?
Well, there is no more waiting.
There is only now.
Please remember, everything happens in the now.
There is no past.
There is no future.
There is only now.
And in the now, in the present, you can wait and dream about the future or wax poetic about the past.
Or, you can be the new, actualize the new, allow the new.
Because it's coming. It's arriving, whether you want it to or not. And you can either collaborate with it, so it arrives in a way that feels mutually aligning, or you can let it happen to you.
And the time of letting things happen to you is over.
And there is more we wish to say to you, to all of you, as you approach this new moon.
As you move toward what calls to you, as you move toward your dreams, as you begin to take action toward your deepest desires, the desires implanted into your soul at birth, stay the course.
Hold the vision. Be the calm. Don’t get distracted. Allow this pursuit to offer you the most expansive sense of self.
You are not one thing. You are not two things. You are all things.
You are not designed to fit into another’s sense of you. You are meant to break all the molds, all the expectations.
Break up with people pleasing.
Break up with a limited sense of self.
Break up with not believing in you.
You are here for a reason, for a purpose, for a calling. And that calling can range from everything from—you are here to change the world—to—you are here to simply change your world. You will know it, you will feel it in your cells.
Whatever it is, believe in you, believe in your capacity for greatness, for kindness, for sweetness, for love.
After all, you are love. You are made of pure love. When you get down deep into your soul, you know this soul truth.
Be the love you wish to feel in the world, in your community, in your body.”