Your Soul Codes for Abundance


One of my altars for Dia de Los Muertos in my sweet casita in Austin, Texas. The tequila was for the ancestors, not me. © Maggie Battista 2024

You may read or listen to this message. Length: 10:27 minutes

When I asked my sweet soul to reveal the soul codes for abundance (so I may explain them to you), it said swiftly:

You do not need us to reveal this to you. You live it every single day. Share how you live. Share the love we shine upon every aspect of your life. That process of enlightenment reveals the soul’s codes for abundance in perfect timing for each particular individual. It is a process and it is a way of living in the light, in the love.

I am going to explain this in very simple terms so that you understand why I heard the soul call to offer my new journey, Embody Your Soul: Five Weeks to Clarity on Your Soul Codes for Abundance, beginning on November 10. All program details are here.

The Soul Codes for Abundance

Your soul codes for abundance are your particular way of remembering that you are ever abundant, ever resourced, and ever aligned to the frequency of love.

Except that, I have boiled down multiple years of my own remembering into a five-week elemental-syncing experience to nudge your soul down the path, to bring light to that which you may not be able to see in this moment.

But do not worry, through our collaboration, you will remember.

My soul codes for abundance emerged through:

  1. A series of soul truths that took many years to remember*

  2. A devotional process my soul designed for living in the light

Fyi, I say *remember a lot throughout this post because we are born feeling abundant; the humanness of this existence makes us forget. You are born feeling abundant; the systems and structures of humanity make you forget.

The systems and structures of humanity, as well, cause you to deviate from living in sync with anything natural, thus, you may naturally hide parts or all of you from the light.

Let’s talk about the soul truths and the process for living in the light separately. I really wish to get very specific for you because I hear in the field it is something about which you are very curious.

First up: The soul truths.

The Soul Truths

There are so many soul truths that have emerged from listening to my soul’s voice for ten years, from listening to me above all other external inputs. Here are three of the most essential soul truths:

  1. Your innate baseline is abundance, or a feeling of plentifulness of the good things of this life, whatever that means to you in any particular moment.

  2. Your natural assumption is that you are always resourced, which presumes that everything is conspiring for your greatest prosperity, even when it doesn’t appear to be that way. You forgot this but through our collaboration, you will remember.

  3. When you offer love to yourself and devotion to the natural cycles that season your soul, you more deeply align to the frequencies of your sweetest desires and the astral coffers of abundance, resourcefulness, and love.

It all sounds so simple and yet it took me years to remember. I don’t want to keep this to myself any longer, which is why I’m offering Embody Your Soul starting on November 10th.

Next up: Let’s define “living in the light.”

Living in the Light

To live in the light may not mean what you think it does.

To live in the light doesn’t mean you only see or reflect the good. It does not mean that you bypass the tough or the tumultuous. Not at all.

In fact, to live in the light means you bring light to all the parts of you, to enlighten the darkest parts of you.

To live in the light means you no longer hide any parts of you in the dark, you allow light to shine upon the wholeness that is you. Because it is both your light and your dark that inform your sweet soul and its codes for abundance.

And, your wholeness includes love and pain, the gifts and the trauma of this existence, all of that which has been implanted in you to remember, to remember you are a sweet soul, to remember that you hold the keys to your ever abundance right inside of you, right in your body, deep in your center.

And now: The devotional process.

The Devotional Process for Living in the Light

The process for revealing your particular soul’s codes for abundance is through enlightening the pain, the gifts, and the desires within you while engaging in a devotional practice—or a series of devotional rituals—that align your mind, body, soul, and spirit with the natural cycles of the heart of the earth, the heart of the sky, and the midpoint that connects all in your heart.

In short, that means, your soul and its codes for abundance are remembered or surface through honoring and syncing with where you came from, or the earth and the stars.

My soul designed a devotional process for living in the light. This process includes various practices and rituals that align me to the earth and the stars. By aligning to their cadence and frequency, I align to my sweet soul and its most natural codes for abundance.

Next: Let’s discuss how Embody Your Soul helps you.

Embody Your Soul

Embody Your Soul is an immersive, life-changing experience where each week you deepen your connection with your Soul’s wisdom by moving through elemental gates (water, fire, earth, air, ether) to bring light to where you are right now and connect with the guidance of all that is deep within you.

Through the five Sunday sessions, you’ll connect to your sweet soul.

You’ll hear the wisdom of a collective of ancestors conspiring for your greatest prosperity. You’ll hear the wisdom of my own soul, the wisdom that I remembered over 10 years of deep listening.

To do this, you will walk through these elemental gates, engaging in my most beloved rituals and practices, the ones shared with me by the ancestors and spiritual mentors.

And, in this immerse experience, you will surface your next steps to an abundant, soul-led life. Together, we will illuminate your path, revealing clarity, deep support, and a lasting sense of prosperity.

Lastly, let’s touch on: What is Abundance?

What is Abundance?

Up above, I described abundance as a feeling of plentifulness of the good things of this life.

Does abundance mean money? Yes, of course. It’s possible that you’ll call in the codes for how to make money doing exactly what you want during this experience.

And also, this group experience is designed to inspire you to call in your most abundant next steps in love, career, home life, and adventure

Remember that abundance means different things to different people. For example, right now, I’m aligning to a sense of plentifulness in my home life, calling in the beauty and comfort of how my next home looks and feels.

Even though I designed this process from many years of aligning to my soul codes for abundance, I will also be on this path with you over these five Sunday sessions.

I look forward to walking through the elemental gates with you, beginning on November 10th. 

Enroll in Embody Your Soul now.


Embody Your Soul: 5 Weeks to Clarity on Your Soul Codes for Abundance

Unlock the next steps to an abundant, soul-led life through a profound five-week journey crafted to illuminate your path, providing clarity, deep support, and a lasting sense of prosperity. We begin on November 10, 2024.

Over the course of five elemental-themed gatherings, you will:

  • Bring complex questions or issues to your Soul for guidance.

  • Receive wisdom and guidance from my Soul and the Ancestors, offering clarity on the most authentic path forward.

  • Establish practices of elemental support, grounding you in a deep sense of self-resourcefulness.

  • Shift toward abundance, receptivity, and ease, cultivating rituals that can empower you long after our time together.

  • Allow your Soul to reveal your next steps, moving forward with resonance and confidence—not once everything is “figured out,” but right now, in this present moment of transformation.


This journey holds the practices and rituals for calling in your highest self, your sweet soul, so that you may finally step into your next chapter with grace, ease, and purpose.

Together, we’ll connect to the codes of your abundance, the wisdom of your Soul, and the deep support of the Ancestors.

Reach out directly with any questions at


Today is 13 Tijax in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. This is a very important day in the calendar for me as the sacred number 13 is that of the ancestors and the spirit world. When you combine that energy with the energy of Tijax, which represents the warrior-healer who is seeking to discern beauty and truth, today becomes a powerful moment to listen to the ancestors to become your most whole self on your spiritual journey.


Resonance Guide, November 11, 2024


Soul Message: No Matter What Happens Today