How You Hear the Call From Your Soul

© Maggie Battista 2025

You may watch the video, listen to the audio, or read the text transcript. Length is approximately 21:49 minutes




“Hello, sweet soul. How are you? How are you doing? How are you feeling? How is your sweet soul?

Today, I'm excited to be here with you. I invite you to get a cup of something warm. Today, I'm going to share how to follow the soul’s call—how it happened for me, how that voice, that loving and compassionate voice, rose within me. And it may not be exactly what you think. So I'm excited to share the unfolding, the revealing, so that you may also follow your own soul, follow your guidance from within, follow what some call the inner voice. It originally came in and called itself the inner voice, but eventually it identified itself as the soul—that calm and all knowing wisdom and language that surfaces from within when we get quiet and we listen. And that language of love said, “I am your Soul.”

And so today, I want to share how I followed its call, how it surfaced, so that you may have a bit of a roadmap and/or I'm hearing that there are many of you that are hearing things and feeling things and sensing things, and that is your own Soul, your own inner voice, wishing to rise.

So I want to acknowledge that I didn't suddenly, out of the blue, hear a voice within. And you may not suddenly out of the blue hear that language of love within. You don't suddenly hear a voice, especially if you've been ignoring or burying that voice for a lifetime.

You know, I can only speak for me and for the people that I've worked with. And many of us hear that inner voice, that soul, that call from within at a very young age, it's very easy for us to access that language of love, and then slowly, steadily, we are conditioned away from it. And this video is not about how we are conditioned away from it.

And then at some point, we return to it, we allow it to surface. Typically that happens later in life, when we are more grown, when we have more experience and more wisdom, or when something traumatic happens to us, when we move through our own dark night, right, dark night of the soul, when we move through a kind of tumultuousness or a tragedy of some kind, when that process is beginning, and I've already told you some of that for me.

But I want to relay how to follow that call, how to sense that it's coming in, because the soul doesn't automatically show up one day and say, “Hi, trust me. Listen to me. Let me guide you.” Right? Listen here within, instead of to all the voices external to you, right?

The soul only offers you what you can handle. It meets you where you are. It comes to you in bits and pieces, in like tiny drips, right? And then eventually becomes a steadier stream, and eventually a wildly flowing river, right? Where it's always with you, it's always speaking to you. So for me, following the soul’s call was and is, and the way I teach it is, it's an elemental journey. It's very much something that rises as you sync your body to all that is.

And when I say all that is, I want to get very specific. It's when you sync your body to the elements, the elements of this planet that we're on, the elements of the earth.

You know, you kind of hear people say, ‘I eat with the seasons. I live with the seasons.’ Right? There was a rhythm of moving with the cycles of the earth. It is true. We have also been conditioned away from it, right? But so many of you are returning to that wildness, that aliveness of syncing with the elements and hearing the soul’s call, hearing that language of love within.

It is an elemental journey, and for me, it began as a call to the heavenly bodies around us, and as a call to more esoteric studies. Perhaps you're someone watching this, and you study astrology, or you follow human design, or you are deep into the gene keys. You work with the chakras of the body. You work with energy. You work with yoga. That is a call. That is a calling, right?

Yes, it is a calling, perhaps to study it as a passion, and also it is an elemental call. The cycles of the heavenly bodies are calling to you. For me, it was the Sun, the Sun called to me, and I don't mean it spoke in a language. What I mean is I heard this call to wake up each morning and greet the sun. Simple, right?

I woke up and I'd walk over to the window where the sun rose, and I would say, ‘Good morning, sunshine. Good morning, sunrise, good morning, sun.’ And I didn't know why I did it. I have no idea. It just became part of me to the extent that, like some friends, would tease me when I would say, ‘Hey, good morning, sunshine. Good morning, sunrise.’

But it was a call from within to interact with light, with fire, with the energy of fire. So it began with a call to the sun, and then it followed with a call to work with the moon, right? To work with that body, to work with that darkness, right? And the energy of that.

And I want to make sure I point out that like the call to esoteric studies, the call to energy work of any kind, all of it, resonates as a call to work with the elements in one way, shape or form. And let me explain that to you.

So for me, I was called to the sun, or the sunrise, that is working with fire, that is working with radiance, with what radiates, right? That is working with the intention to amplify something and ask for support. And that was my first call.

And then I was called to energy work, literal energy work, working with other facilitators, and working with my own body. And that is also a call to a kind of fire, right? To a kind of radiance, to a kind of movement of energy within to amplify and ask for support.

After that, there was like a second or third call, and I was called to breath work. I was called to Kundalini activation work. That is work with air. That is work with allowing air to move through your body, to move stuff through your body, right? And I processed and moved through a lot of old stories and a lot of pain in those practices. And also, I was working with air. I was resting with air. I was receiving with air.

Air is an element in which we rest and we receive. We receive inspiration, we receive what calls to us on the wind, right? And I would often do active breath work, really active breath work. And I find that active breath work, like sort of merges, right? There's a merging of a few different elements, because there's a lot of energy there. So there's some fire, and then there's a lot of feelings that flow, so there's some water as well. And that was a very big call for me to the elements.

Now, no one told me to go work with these energies. The body just naturally said, we're going to go and try that now. We're going to go and try that now. So it said, ‘Let's go work with fire. Let's go work with air.’ And then eventually I heard a few different calls that were very distinct.

I remember I was lying on a yoga mat, and I heard, ‘It's time for you to go to the earth. It's time for you to go to the forest.’ And I'm not this sort of girl at the time who goes to the forest like, I don't at the time. I wasn't. I was a walker, but I wasn't a hiker in the woods. I'm much more active in the woods now, but I heard that call within me, and I sort of dialogued with it.

I was like, ‘Why am I going to the forest? I don't understand. There are bugs in the forest. There's wetness in the forest There's like hills in the forest.’ And it said, ‘Trust us, go.’

And I went to the forest, and that's where I first heard the soul speak to me as a voice within me, and it welcomed me to Earth. It welcomed me to commune with the Earth, right? The forest, the green, the land that's the earth, that's the earth element.

And listening, the earth invites you in to re-wild, right? To remember your wildness, to remember your wholeness. And then at some point, I remember I was driving out to the ocean. I would just drive out to the water for a little bit. And there were times when I'd walk up to the water's edge and I'd hear, ‘Jump in.’ I literally hear in the body, ‘Jump in.’ And there was an impulse to jump in, and I stepped back, and I asked what the invitation was. And the invitation was, we want you to be with the water, literally be with the water.

So at first, I just started going out to the water more often, and then eventually, as my life shifted and kind of fell away. So many aspects of my life were falling away at that time. I released so much, and I moved to the ocean. I moved to the ocean. I moved to live right across the street from the sea. And I remember hearing the ocean say, ‘Come to us.’

So I started walking the ocean. Even in the winter, I just started walking the beach to be as close to the ocean as possible. And then eventually it said, ‘We need you to be in the water.’ And then I started getting into the water. I didn't want to do it in the winter. I wasn't ready for that. But around May, I started getting into the ocean and just dipping at first, because it was super cold. And then as the warm weather kind of came, I would go in longer and longer, and I found that the ocean helped me as I felt, as I moved through what I was moving through, as I grieved. And it would invite in flow, and it would certainly surface that inner voice within that I was hearing so distinctly,.

A little bit of time into that moving to the water, I was a little high up, and those first few winters, there was a lot of wind, there was a lot of air. There was a huge invitation to me that I heard within, to rest, to receive, to allow the wisdom that was just at the surface to come closer to the surface of my energetic body. Right?

So when those storms were raging by the ocean and the wind was sort of whooshing around where I lived, I just allowed it to whoosh around me and surface inspiration, messages, language and really the ancestors dropped in most strongly—their wisdom, their messages—when I began to commune with water and air on a daily basis.

So the journey to hear the soul, to hear that inner voice, it doesn't just happen like a snap one day. You don't just wake up to it all of a sudden. It is a slow process. Your body calls you back to it, and the way there is through listening, collaborating, co-creating with the elements. And the elements, there are five of them, right?

There is water, where we feel and flow.

There is fire, where we ask and we amplify those asks. We ask for support, we ask for guidance.

There is Earth, and earth is a place where we merge with the heart of the planet, and we re-wild to its nature, to our nature.

There is air, and that energy is really about inspiration, resting, so that we can receive messages, our own wisdom, right?

And then there's a fifth element, I call it ether. Everyone calls it ether. If you work with that fifth element, I work with it. It is spaciousness and stillness. It is the resonance between language. It is the space between points, and that is a space where we hear the soul most clearly.

And so I wanted to make sure that I shared this, because you could be hearing a call from an element. You could be hearing a call to an esoteric study, that is the soul wishing to surface, that is your own wisdom, wishing to come to the surface. Then it is pointing you to a roadmap. Right? It is showing you a way, and your way and my way may be very different, and yet the elements are the same, and how you connect with the elements may be slightly different than how I connect with the elements, but they are still guiding us back to our own soul.

Now, I can teach you how to work with the elements and surface your Soul, like awaken that voice and embody that wisdom. And also you can follow your own intuitive body. Your body knows. It is a very clever piece of technology. This work is natural to our bodies.

When we get quiet and we listen, this way of syncing up to the heavens and the cosmos and the earth, more than anything, the heart of the earth, right, the heart of the earth connects to the heart within us. And I think that is one of the reasons I was called to Cacao, to ceremonial Cacao, because this is a very practical tool that comes from the heart of the earth, connects you to your own heart, to the love and compassion that lives within you, to the soul's voice that's within you, always, right?

So I invite you to begin working with Cacao. If you're like not sure which element is talking to you at any given time, I invite you to sip Cacao, and you do that by making a cup with honor, reverence, intention, gratitude. And I actually have a free audio transmission linked in the description down below, where you can be guided by my voice through your first sip, or through all the sips. You can always use it, if you want to.

And soon I'm going to have a virtual series where I take you through surfacing YOUR OWN WISDOM by working in Cacao ritual with the elements so that you can change your life, so you can allow the change that's calling to you, whatever that is.

It may be that you're being called to new work, work that you really want to do, some new purpose, some new passion. It may be that you're trying to understand your pleasure. It may be that you're trying to release, release burdens, release people, release ties. It may be you're doing that so you can hear yourself and what you want, what you really, really want, so that you can date and relate to people who are, who open you to freedom, to more freedom. And it could be that you want to feel more free. You want to feel more free and alive and connected. You want to remember that you are whole.

You are and have always been whole. There's nothing you have to do, right? You're not broken. You've never been broken. You may be moving through grief, you may be moving through change, but you are also remembering your wholeness, through that, through that change, through that cycle, through that transformation. And you may wish to remember, more than anything, that you are, your home, wherever you are, is lovely, right? But your home is not outside of you. It's right here. It's right here in your Soul, in your sweet, sweet Soul.

So I wanted to share this as clues. If you're watching these videos and you're like, ‘I think I hear my Soul, or I want to hear my Soul,’ if you're being called to the elements, that is your Soul, conspiring, collaborating with the Earth, with water, with fire, with Earth, with air, with ether, to surface the language of love buried deep within you, to surface your heart, so that you can live from the heart, so that you can love yourself and allow that love to overflow to others, so that you can do whatever you wish to do in your short time on this planet.

And that feels like plenty for today. That feels like enough. Yeah, I'm just listening to see if there's anything else. No, that feels good.

Thank you so much for listening. I'm so glad you were here, and I will be back again very, very soon.”



Today is 13 Ajmak in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. The energy of Ajmak is that of forgiveness, reconciliation, compassion and acknowledging your humanness. Paired with the sacred number 13—which represents the spirit world or the ancestors—this is a day to acknowledge exactly who you are, to forgive yourself or release any guilt, and to do so with full support of your lineage. It’s also a supportive day to offer this same forgiveness and compassion to those who came before you.


Resonance for the Week of January 26, 2025


Resonance for the Week of January 19, 2025