Resonance for the Week of January 19, 2025


A sacred fire moment. © Maggie Battista 2025

Resonance Themes


A Freestyle Resonance Transmission

This is a freestyle transmission that is natural, organic, and rich with timely stories, messages, and synchronicities tied to the resonance of the moment.

Video Length: 17:34 minutes

The text transcript and audio file are down below.






“Hello, sweet souls. How are you? How are you doing? How are you feeling? How is your heart right now? And we're going to talk about the heart, which is why I mentioned it. But let's not jump ahead.

I'm so glad to be with you. I am here to share the resonance between us for the week, starting January 19. And also, if you have come across this video, it could be that there's a message or a story in here just for you, so I invite you to play it and see what resonates.

I want to begin this resonance report this resonance update by sharing a little bit about the Mayan Sacred Calendar, and there is a purpose to that. This weekend has been very alive with the calendar. I'm a student of the calendar. I have run my life through its cycles for the last several years, and yesterday was 8 B’atz, which is a new day in the calendar. It's the first day of a new ceremonial cycle of, a 260 day cycle. And B’atz is the energy of the Calendar. It is the weaver of time. And yesterday we began again. Time began to weave again. So if there is an endeavor or a project or something that you're working on, a book, that you're writing, a podcast, you're recording, there is like renewed energy for that.

Today is 9 E’ in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. Today is about the heart of the spiritual journey which we engage in today. We begin today.

This weekend has been very alive for me with messages and with the ancestors. I can feel them very present, very much with me.

Yesterday, I followed my Soul the whole day, and I followed the ancestors. I literally asked my Soul what I wanted to do from moment to moment. This is a wonderful practice that I teach my clients, and the ancestors were with me all day. And it is a beautiful sort of experiment to see what lights you up and to follow it. And maybe at some point I'll take you through that as an exercise.

Maybe I'll record that later this week, but there's a lot of aliveness in the air right now. I also know that there is a lot of challenge, right? Not just for those in the United States where I'm recording this, but for people all over the world.

And if you stumbled upon this video, if you are on your own awakening journey, if you're trying to make sense of it all, if you're trying to rewrite some of the stories of your life, understand them, if you're trying to heal some of the ancestral wounds that you have, then you're in the right place, because this is what we focus on here.

I read the resonance of the moment and I share messages. And at the start of all this, what I've heard to say to you is, no matter what you are moving through right now, the invitation is to remember your assignment, remember what you're here for, and your assignment and my assignment are different. Remember, yours and your assignment is to increase your capacity for everything, for more of everything. That's your assignment.

Whatever you're moving through right now—the pain, the heartbreak, the challenges, the sadness, the anger, the frustration, all of it is laid on the altar before you as a way to increase your capacity, and that's the lens they're offering, if you could place that lens on whatever you're moving through.

That does not bypass the pain that you're experiencing, experiencing that pain, allow it. That's what the soul teaches you—to allow the pain, allow the emotions, and then place the lens of your assignment, which is to increase your capacity, to allow in more love, to allow in more joy, to allow in more pleasure and more connection, to allow in all the sweet things of this life. Because there is, there are so many sweet things in this life, if we allow ourselves to enjoy them. Notice them, right? So that's the first assignment that is being offered here, or the first message: remember your assignment is to increase your capacity.

And they're sending me the message, I'm receiving the stories of how I began increasing my capacity for more magic, more of my own magic. My ancestors guided me to Ceremonial Cacao. I had been working with Cacao, a medicine of my lineage, for almost 10 years, and at one point I heard them say I was ready to start offering ceremony, and when I felt ready, I started with 10 people in ceremony, and I remember the feelings I had in that ceremony. And then I increased it to 12 people, right? And I remember that like I was experiencing some feeling to 12 people. I allowed them, and then we increased it to 20, and I was feeling more feelings, tension here, tension there, tightness here, right?

And what I heard then was we are teaching you how to increase your capacity for more of your gifts, for more of your magic, for you to pursue more of your mission, whatever that is in any given moment, right? Because missions don't have to be permanent. They change. And that's the story I'm being encouraged to share with you, to remind you of your assignment, which is to increase your capacity.

I'm also hearing and probably it's because it's 9 E’ in the Mayan Sacred Calendar, and also because I drank Cacao just before this transmission. But I'm hearing connect to your heart, to your feminine heart, and we do this not to love other people more. Though that's lovely. We do this to love ourselves more.

And I swear, self love gets such a bad rap. So much of the world, especially companies, have sort of grabbed on to self love and tried to sell you things to make you feel better. And there's nothing wrong with any of those things, and yet, to love yourself, that's the most important love that there is, as far as I'm concerned, because the more you love yourself—this is what I've heard from the soul—the more you love yourself and show yourself love in all its various forms, the more love overflows from you to others, the more you don't experience feelings of resentment or regret or lack or scarcity, right? Fill your cup. Fill it up so that your heart will open, so your heart opens to more of you, and then it overflows to others, to those that are around you, to those who are around you, connect to your heart.

And specifically, I'm thinking feminine heart. You know, the heart is a muscle in the body, and I know, like, there's so many links to the heart and the feminine, the heart is also masculine. Like the heart is everything. There are various aspects to the heart. The heart is something that is very connected to Cacao. It's very connected to the earth, to the grounded-ness. And also we have both feminine and masculine hearts, different things happening in the heart. And we wish for you to connect to your feminine heart, to allow more love for self. That's the invitation I'm laying on the altar for you right now. How can you love yourself more?

The joy of loving yourself more is it allows for more revolutionary relationships. It allows for more openness with yourself and with others, with your partner, with your children, with your parents, with your loved ones, with your colleagues at work. Fill your cup, love yourself more to revolutionize your relationships.

You know, I have been on a roller coaster of a journey with self love. I actually wrote two cookbooks, both of them recounted my relationship with food and how I reconciled the relationship with my body, the relationship to others who looked at my body or perceived my body, once I stopped looking outside of me, and started looking within me, at my capacity for love, and started filling up my cup and loving me first, just not judging me, that's all and then liking me and then actually finding ways to love me, it revolutionized all of my relationships.

Listen, some relationships fell away, and that's okay, right? We can only meet people to the capacity that we have met ourselves. We can only meet people to the capacity that we have met ourselves, and we are increasing our capacity this week, right? It is increasing. It is shifting. It is opening.

We do this to revolutionize our relationships, not just our relationship with self, but with our relationship with all, so that we can call in more openness, more vulnerability with others, so that we can call in more support from others. We can ask for help when we need it. So we can grow in union, not just in romantic love, because that's just one aspect of love. It's beautiful, and also our friendships are vital.

So I got cut off because of space, but I want to get back to it.

I think I was talking about revolutionizing your relationships, and how connecting to more love of self allows you to change all your relationships. Certainly, some people fall away, and that's natural, and also those who are left, those relationships get deeper.

I think I said that people like, We can only meet people to the capacity that we're able to meet ourselves. So true. If I can't like me, if I can't like me a little or a lot, I'm going to experience some challenge in my relationships. And so the endeavor is to allow as much love of self as possible to explore and connect with your feminine heart, to allow for your relationships to shift and change.

And then there's one other thing that keeps surfacing, and I think it's a word that will continue surfacing. It's been surfacing for like, a year, and I'm just really beginning to understand it, but it's the word sovereignty.

I know that many of us feel like we do not have sovereignty over our worlds, over our homes, over our work. Some of us feel that, but when I connect to the soul, when I listen to my Soul, when I develop that voice when I listen to her guidance, I feel so sovereign, over me, over me, over my emotional, my emotional landscape, over my capacities, over my areas of growth, all of that.

And so that word, I think, will keep coming up, how are you sovereign in your soul? How are you allowing soul sovereignty, right? We don't need to allow others and their judgment of us to affect how we feel about ourselves and what our soul tells us to do. The guidance that we receive from within, we know ourselves best. You know yourself best, even when I'm in ceremony, even when I'm teaching clients, and they ask me very pointed question, what do you think of me doing this? What do you think of me doing that?

Well, the very fact that you asked me is because you have some judgment or discernment about that. What do you think about that? Right? So I think that, like all this work that I do in teaching you how to hear your Soul is about developing some sort of sovereignty over your own Soul. And to do that, you may do that by beginning to drink Cacao like that's one of the easiest tools that I offer to people, because it was designed to help you hear your heart. Help you hear your Soul. I can teach you practices. I can take you on a journey. You can sit in ceremony with me and all of that is lovely. I encourage you to do that with me, and also you can, in right relationships, sit with grandmother Cacao.

I actually have an audio transmission that I'll link in the description that you can download for free. You can make your cup of Cacao, and you can listen to me in your ear guide you to sit with Cacao, with reverence, with honor, with gratitude, with intention, in order to hear more of your soul, more of yourself, more of your true self, and develop your own sovereignty over your own internal world.

So I invite you to download that free audio transmission if it feels aligned to you again. It's linked in the description, and I think that's what I'm hearing for today. Feels like plenty. It feels like enough.

We have begun weaving time again. Remember your assignment. You are increasing your capacity to connect to your heart, to revolutionize your relationships, to develop sovereignty over your Soul, your Soul, not anyone else's. Just worry about you, just you.

Thank you so much for being here, and I'll be back again very very soon.”


Resonance Themes for the week of January 19, 2025

This write up is a guided story and summary of what feels most resonant in the now based on my clairvoyant gifts, multidimensional messages, and ongoing studies in Ancestral Reverence, Mayan Cosmology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Western Astrology, Lunar Cycle Study, Soul Attunement and the Soul's Voice, Receptive Living, the Embodied Masculine & Feminine Polarities, and Deep Stillness in Meditation.

Today is 9 E’ in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. E’ is the energy of the journey and the sacred number 9 is the energy of the feminine, birth, and creation energy. In the context of beginning the new ceremonial cycle again yesterday (on 8 B’atz), today is about the spiritual journey to connect within, to your heart, to your mission, to your expansion. Allow your heart to guide your journey.


How Your Soul Changes Your Life