Resonance for the Week of February 2, 2025
A bowl of Spicy Tofu Noodle Soup with my Homemade Chicken Stock in Austin, Texas. © Maggie Battista 2025
Resonance Themes
A Freestyle Resonance Transmission
This is a freestyle transmission that is natural, organic, and rich with timely stories, messages, and synchronicities tied to the resonance of the moment.
Video Length: 24:00 minutes
The text transcript and audio file are down below.
“Hello, sweet souls. How are you how are you feeling? How is your heart? How is your Soul? Have you talked to your Soul today? How's your Soul doing?
Your soul is the most loving part of you, and if you have a conversation between your Soul and all the other parts of you, you can come to understanding, wholeness, forgiveness, love, and compassion with each other in union, together in union.
And that is a very strong message for today, the collective coming together in transformation, but together in union with each other. It's a very strong energy that's present. It's a strong energy in the Mayan Sacred Calendar today, and it is part of the resonance of this week, beginning February 2.
I have really a few threads to pull at with you. They are themes, and also they are threads. They are stories that have arisen in the field over the last week or so, and they've come through my channels and through the people I've met in the collective this week, and so I wanted to come in and bring that to you.
First and foremost, I want to say, if you're looking for like someone who talks non-stop, someone who allows for no stillness, you're in the wrong place. This is a place for stillness. This is a place for calm. This is a place for peace. And that means there are times when there are gaps in transmission. There are times when I'm listening, when I'm looking in different directions and hearing what wishes to be shared with you. And so I just invite you to pull up a cup of tea. I have a cup of tea, pull it together, bring it over and sit with me as I share what I've been hearing.
And really the first thing I heard was like the invitation is to open your channels, to receive this week, to rest, to renew yourself, to receive, especially so you can receive your inner guidance. You can trust the messages that are arising from your soul. So that's the first message that came through really strongly, which is there's a lot going on this week, energetically. Find moments of rest. Find moments to receive. Find moments to sit in your faith, whatever that is, right? Sit in your ritual. Sit in the rituals around your faith, whatever that is. That's up to you to decide, right?
But take time to rest and receive this week, because soul, your Soul, is speaking to yo. It may very well be that you're receiving other messages as well from like the collective, from the spirit realms, from the ancestor world, but the most important thing to do is to listen to you this week.
This week, there is kind of like, there are two threads that wish to be tied together around love and anger. And I know anger well. I know anger very well. It is only recently that I've really understood divine anger, divine rage, and what that is, but love and anger are kind of heavy in the air this week.
Anger is an emotion that wishes to call us in, that wishes to call us home to ourselves so that we can tend to our sensitive bits, our wounded parts, our hurt parts, show some love to those parts, and then empower that anger from a place of knowing, from a place of centeredness, from a place of peace and calm, from a place of knowing yourself.
Anger has been in the air. I've had meetings with friends and with clients, and I heard it most strongly in this question that was posed to me: How do I earn respect? How do I get their respect?
And I think I hear that many of you can relate to that question. You may be in situations right now, at your work, right? In your profession, in your career, amongst your teams, perhaps in your home, with your family, with your partner, and you are questioning whether or not you are respected or have earned respect in some way. And oftentimes that will then manifest as anger, right? When we don't get the respect we think we need, we think we need to earn. We get angry.
And what I heard, what I continue to hear is, first and foremost, you are entitled to respect. You are entitled to respect yourself. Respect is inside game. It's not an external game, not so much. I know we think it is. I know we think we have to earn the respect of all the people around us, but that question, in and of itself, suggests that one does not respect themselves. One has not shown themselves respect. You earn respect by showing yourself respect. Period.
Respect is an inside game, so cultivate it within honor. You devote yourself to your practices, honor your energy, honor whatever boundaries you have set for yourself, within. Boundaries are an inside game, right?
Show respect to yourself and walk away from people, places, or situations where you feel disrespected, but understand that respect is first earned here by going inward, by remembering how whole we are, by tending to our wounded parts and respecting ourselves here, right here.
It's an inside game, because when I respect myself, as I respect myself, I walk away from people and places and situations that don't show me in kind respect, that don't demonstrate in behavior, that I am respected in some way, shape or form.
And you know, respect isn't necessarily about being paid what you want to be paid. Respect is about valuing yourself and feeling energetically that another values you. They value your thoughts, your heart, your soul, your presence. They want you there. They want to co-create with you in some way, shape or form.
So respect, often, when we are looking for respect outside of ourselves, it develops into a kind of anger, because we don't get what we need from the external. Listen to the soul. Listening to the soul is all about getting what you need internally and relying less and less and less over time on the external.
Certainly, we need community, certainly we want to be around people, certainly we want to have fun and we want to love and we want to do good work in the world, whatever that means to us. And also, we don't earn validation or respect from those outside of us. We earn it from the inside. It's an inside game, and so the invitation on the altar between us is to respect yourself, and that does not necessarily mean telling or showing others that you respect yourself, putting all these boundaries and walls around you.
That means cultivating your inner wholeness on your own, time alone in silence, right? Finding your peace, bringing curiosity to everything that's happening outside of you and within you, and bringing some understanding to it, so that you value every experience that you've had in this lifetime.
You respect it, you respect yourself. The question has come up this week around respect, and another question has come on this week around love, and so that's why I'm talking about love and anger this week.
And love, I won't say that anger and love are the other, like opposite sides of the coin. They're not. Like love is multi dimensional, and it has all these facets, like a diamond, right? And anger or the emotions underneath anger are sort of an aspect of love when we might question our love of self, right? But this week, many people have asked me: How do I find love?
And the ancestors just keep putting forth the same story and image that they showed me many years ago. I remember very clearly that I was in a very tragic time in my life. I would call it tragic. I had experienced the death of both of my parents a year apart. I was in the middle of a divorce. I was in the middle of leaving the only home I'd known for like, 20 years. It actually was the home I'd known for like, the longest stretch of my life. And I remember being in silence with the soul and say, like, Will I find love? Will I find love again? Will I find someone to love me?
And I heard so clearly, which surprised me, because, you know, sometimes we are unreliable witnesses of our experience, because we are so emotional. So I can admit that, right? There are moments when we are unreliable, and I felt a little unreliable in that moment, because I was so emotional. But I was emotional and I was speaking to the soul, and I said: Gosh, will I find love again? How will I find love again? When will I find love again? Right? Like sobbing it out.\
And I heard very clearly, you are your own Soul-mate. You are your own Soul-mate. You are your Soul-mate. I was my soul mate.
And the remedy to that question is not to say, I don't need love because I have it all here. It’s to say, let's just put that aside for a moment. You are your Soul-mate.
If you want to find love, show it to yourself. Become the version of love that you wish to see in the world. Truly embody it, feel it on every level. Do whatever you need to show yourself love and compassion and forgiveness and tenderness, all the things, right? Show yourself the love you wish to see in the world, and then, as you remember, as you become your own Soul-mate, you remember how love is a natural part of you. It just kind of oozes from you, from your pores, from yourselves, from every part of you.
And then what you desire in the world changes, and you begin to attract those relationships, those opportunities at the level that wants to meet you like where you are at, at that that big old bubble of love.
And so the more we remember that we are our own soulmate, the more you remember that you are your own Soul-mate, the more you tend to yourself, the more you excavate your wounds, the more you bring curiosity to your feelings and feel them and allow them, love yourself enough to allow those feelings, even the complex ones, love yourself, to allow the really tough thoughts that you have about yourself, allow your Ssoul to speak to those thoughts. Carry on a dialog. The more you are your own Soul-mate, the more you attract everything that's meant for you in this lifetime.
And it's not about manifestation. It's not about the law of attraction. Sure, people who are smarter than me, can make those connections for you if you wish. I am saying you are your Soul-mate. You are the love of your life. Treat yourself as such in every way, shape or form, and allow what's meant to you to meet you at that level.
And if that is deep, lasting love from another, romantic partner, a friend, a family member, meet yourself there first. If that is purposeful work in the world, meet yourself at that loving place. First, follow your passions, follow your magic, allow it to unfold from you. And the right opportunity, the one that feels most aligning, will meet you. It can't help but meet you, because you sort of like ooze this radiance from yourself. You are lit up from within.
And it's not just really good skin or having like glowy eyes or anything like that. It is an energetic thing that happens when you feel all the love for yourself.
And I just want to take a moment and say it's not about self care. Self Care is lovely. Go ahead and get a massage. Go ahead and do your nails,. Go ahead and journal. All of that is lovely. That is a surface level thing. This is about going deep within, doing the work to understand yourself, doing the work to release all the things that are just not for you anymore, including the emotions that need to leave your body, doing the things to really understand what you want from this existence, from this one short existence, what you wish to make, what you wish to offer, right? What it means to thrive and to prosper in this body at this time, understand those things.
I describe it really as an elemental journey, because the elements end up calling you back in whatever way, shape, or form they wish to call you back. For me, it was an elemental journey, first with water and then with fire, and then with earth, and then with air, and ultimately, with ether, the spaciousness between all things, the resonance between all things, which is why I call these resonance updates, because I am listening to what is not said, what is said but what is not said.
So for me, it was an elemental journey, remembering and being called back home to my Soul after all the tragedy I had moved through, remembering that I was the love of my life, remembering that you are your soul mate. And one of the ways of doing this is working with Ceremonial Cacao, which I talk about in many of my videos.
You know, in addition to being a storyteller and a teacher, I am a ritualist, and I work very specifically with the elements and with Cacao, with Ceremonial Cacao, which is a medicine of the Earth, right from the heart of the earth, that helps you connect to your own heart. And if you've been curious about trying this medicine that sort of surfaces the love and compassion within you, the love force energy within you, there is a free audio transmission linked in the description where I will speak you through your first experience with Cacao, or all your experiences with cacao.
I have clients who use it every time they said Cacao. And also, I will be having a three day Cacao ritual series where I walk you through some of this journey, and I help you remember that you are your Soul-mate, so you can attract everything that you're looking for in this lifetime.
But they're saying, take a step back so that you can know what you want to do and make and be in this lifetime. Some people think they just want money, and there's nothing wrong with that. That's cool. All good, big fan right now, because I know we need it to survive. And also what you really, really want is underneath that, the anger you have underneath that is a desire for respect, is a desire for love, right? Is a desire to trust your inner guidance. Is a desire to feel at home in the world, to feel at home in yourself. Is a desire to do purposeful work in the world, whatever that means to you, right? Because it will mean different things to both of us.
But if you'd like to join this journey, it's on February 19th, 20th and 21st. Each day you'll sit with Cacao, with me, and I will take you through the process of remembering who you are, remembering that you are your Soul-mate.
I'm listening to see if there's anything else that's coming through. Open your channels to receive. And you do this by being still, by being quiet, taking 10 deep breaths, if you'd like, right? In through the nose and out through the mouth. Take 10 really big deep breaths and then sit in stillness and see what you hear. Allow it, right? Allow whatever wishes to come forward, to come forward. Listen to you and remember that you are your Soul-mate, no matter what, you are the love you've been looking for period, right?
All the things that you're looking for in a partner are right here, in the soft, fleshy bits of your body, in your soul. They're right here. Nourish yourself in that way, love yourself in that way, and that feels like plenty for today. That's what I'm hearing. And I will leave the link to the three day Cacao ritual series in the description as well.
And I thank you for being here, and I'll be back again very, very soon.”
Resonance Themes for the week of February 2, 2025
This write up is a guided story and summary of what feels most resonant in the now based on my clairvoyant gifts, multidimensional messages, and ongoing studies in Ancestral Reverence, Mayan Cosmology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Western Astrology, Lunar Cycle Study, Soul Attunement and the Soul's Voice, Receptive Living, the Embodied Masculine & Feminine Polarities, and Deep Stillness in Meditation.
Today is 10 Kame in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. Kame is the energy of death and transformation. The sacred number 10 is that of community or the collective. Today is a day to aid the shift of conscious in humanity or simply in your neighborhood. Listen very closely for ways to support the transformation of all, and allow what no longer serves to fade away or forcefully let it go.