The Slow Way is the Fast Way
A Soul Message with the Ancestors
Sunrise in Austin, Texas, with a sliver of the moon still alive and awake in the sky. © Maggie Battista 2024
You may watch the video, listen to the audio, or read the text transcript. Length is 16:13 minutes
“Hello, sweet souls. How are you? How are you feeling? How are you feeling right here, in your heart, in your body, in your soul?
I hope you're well. I hope you are as well as you can be given your circumstances. And also, I hope that you get a chance to get really still and really quiet with yourself and remember how well and okay you are. That is a message that always comes in from the soul. All is well. All is well.
So when I was figuring out what to come up with today, and it really isn't a process of me using my mind. It's a process of my Soul and spirit, or source or creation energy conspiring with me, ancestors coming in with their messages to share what I'm going to share today.
And the main message is the slow way is the fast way, and that's what I'm going to speak about today. But before we get there, I wanted to say hello.
How are you? How are you moving through the wildness of these times? How are you remembering your heart through it all? Sitting with yourself in stillness, getting to know yourself.
That feels good. Can you take a deep breath with me? We're gonna do one deep breath, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Okay, join me.
Hello. I'm Maggie. I am an author and a teacher and a ritualist. I work very specifically when it comes to rituals with Cacao, the Earth, the elements, the ancestors, and I work with a collective of ancestors who speak with me, through me, because I'm now able to hear their messages from all dimensions. So that's why I call myself a multi dimensional storyteller. I am psychic. These stories involve things that I hear, things that I see, things that I know, things that I feel through my senses.
And very specifically, this message this week—the slow way is the fast way—is one that has not been able to leave me. It is a lesson that I learned many years ago. It is a lesson that comes up during trying times, and it is one that we will focus on in my new program that's coming up in March.
And this message… the reason I knew that this message was really important to share right now was because there were about 15 other energies that conspired with me over the week to drive the message home. And when I say energies, I generally mean that I noticed the synchronicities and the magic that is unfolding in my life.
About a week ago, the slow way as the fast way came to the surface during something I was feeling, and then I met, interacted with probably 10 to 12 other people for whom things were not moving fast enough, and the message rose within me, and on some of those occasions, I was able to have a conversation with people. We were able to learn from each other and explore the slow way versus the fast way.
I want to say that I know you've been told the fast way is the right way. I know that because I have been one of the people that have said that for many decades. You know, I grew up through startup culture, through the burgeoning of the internet, I worked at some of the largest online communities in the world. Many of them are still around, and I remember hearing and saying, Faster, faster. How can we do this faster?
And much of that supposes that there is some immediate need we must meet and win at now, some competitor we must beat in some way, shape or form. And now I know that all of that is just nonsense.
I'm being honest with you—all of it is nonsense. What you do, what each of you do, is so unique and so special. It is meant for this world. There is no competition. There is no sense of competition anymore, right? That is if you sort of diffuse and reconsider what your measures may be, what your success measures. I do hate that word, but also I understand that it has meaning.
You know, success for me is peace. Success for me is calm. Success for me is alignment. Success for me is knowing that I'm in the right place at the right time. Success for me is knowing that when I cultivate my inner world, when I hear my soul, when I practice devotion, when I activate my love force energy, the most compassionate parts of me, when I do those things, everything that's meant for me arrives, comes to me, and it may not come in the way that I expected it to come. It may not be the form I thought it might be. But I’m met and I'm held and I'm resourced and I'm supported.
So when I say the slow way is the fast way, I know now that going at a pace that is in sync with the rhythms of the planet, with the elements, with whatever medicine I choose to work with, with the cycles of my Soul—that is my way. That is the fast way, and it may take more time than the mind expects.
You know, when I started listening to the soul, we take the mind and we hold it tenderly, and we allow its brilliance and ego and strategy and personality to be expressed. Right? It wants to have a say.
And then we invite it to take a seat to the right or the left of us and allow the soul to lead. The slow way is the fast way means present me trusts future me, trusts past me.
And we know I went to the left and to the right, but all of those versions of me are right here on top of each other. We're here at the same time. Time is neither backward nor forward, nor up nor down. We're all present at the same time and in the stillness is when we feel that. We feel the texture of that. We can sense that, right?
The actual words The slow way is the fast way dropped in probably seven or eight years ago when I started doing Iyengar yoga, and I had this beautiful, beautiful teacher, and we would spend 90 minutes, three or four times a week doing many, many different poses to get to one pose.
So let's say we wanted to do an inversion of some kind, we would spend 75 minutes doing all the other different micro poses to get to that pose. And even when we got to that pose, we might not get it quite right, or it's always right. We might not meet the expectations of the mind and what that pose may look like in a book, right? And my teacher always used to say, slow down. You don't have to do much to do much. Just remember that the slow way is the fast way, right?
And for me to notice the shifts in my body and my perception of my body during that time was just like a beautiful gift to me.
The other gift was remembering that the slow way is the fast way. I now operate from a place of remaining available and receptive at all times, moving moment by moment.
And listen, it's not without a little bit of effort, right? It's easier than it was five years ago. I move through tumultuousness, just like you. You know, I am here to pursue, to allow the work of my soul to come to the surface, right? And part of that is recording these videos for you. That's part of this process for me, because the soul and the ancestors invited me into this.
They said, We need you, as you sort of explore your soul work, expand into your soul work, to share these messages in whatever way feels aligning to you. It is a collaboration, right?
I'm hearing to tell you that in my program that is launching in March, which should be linked in the description box, the ancestors are present, and they work with me to offer soul wisdom, their wisdom, my wisdom, mesh together messages specifically for you as we move through the six months together.
So I said it, I want to make sure that I said it.
But I just want to come back and just say and remind you that, like, if things are hard right now, if things don't seem to be moving at a pace that you wish for, go inward. Speak to your Soul and ask your Soul about those feelings and those expectations. Explore them, right? That is how you diffuse them. You lean into them. You allow them.
And when I explore the desire to move faster, the desire for things to happen on a certain timetable, I hear things like, There is wisdom in the time that it is taken for this to come to life. There is wisdom, there are lessons, there are gifts, there is more to explore, and part of that exploration is understanding our relationship with patience, our relationship with time.
Like, that's the big invitation for you to understand that, like time is weird and nonsensical and everything's happening now at once, right?
That also ends up inviting you into a relationship with neutrality. The past isn't bad or wrong, the future isn't bad or wrong. A new way in 10 years isn't right. Everything is perfect in this moment, right now between us, even as it's not perfect in the external world. The imperfections are part of the gifts and the wisdom and the lessons and the opportunity for us to emerge, to become, right?
To learn that you don't have to move so fast, sweet one. You don't have to skip all those steps. Getting there sooner may rob you of lessons and gifts through the process. This life is about the process and the journey. It's not about some end point.
Let me say that again, this life is about the process and enjoying it and finding your joy and your pleasure in it, finding your play through it. It's not about some single end point.
I know that we've been conditioned to think that. I get it, it's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. And also, can we find some harmony between wanting everything now and allowing things to be as they are? Allowing things to unfold naturally, organically, as they're meant to in what some call divine timing, right?
So that is the message that I have for you today. And this is one of the many, many lessons that we explore in my program, launching in March.
And if you'd like to get a glimpse of what it feels like to work in ritual, in workshop, in conversation with me, I am hosting You Are Your Soul(mate), a three day Cacao ritual series where we work with the elements to release, amplify, set intentions and really amplify, like the love force energy within you, so that your natural state attracts all that is meant for you. Period, period.
I'm sharing a decade of wisdom in working with the soul's voice. I will help you hear your Soul's voice. And I'm sharing decades of wisdom on this planet. And I hear to say wisdom from many lifetimes. I’d love to be in ritual with you. The link is down below.
It's in the middle of February, so go ahead and reserve your spot and get your Cacao, your ceremonial Cacao. And I look forward to being in session with you soon.
Okay. Bye, Bye.”
Today is 1 Tz’i in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. The energy of Tz’i is all about faith, loyalty, justice, and unconditional love. Tz’i is a guide that can amplify our current direction or take us in an entirely new direction. The animal that represents T’zi is the dog, the faithful companion who loves you unconditionally, even when you feel you may not be deserving of that love. The sacred number 1 is about new beginnings or birth. During the next 13 days, can you renew you love for yourself? Can you review your sacred contracts—with yourself and others—and see if you’re still ‘all in’ or if perhaps something needs a total revamp? I trust you to know how to work with the energy of this time in a way that amplifies your self-love.