Resonance for the Week of February 9, 2025


A love(ly) light installation in a healing and wellness space in Austin, Texas. © Maggie Battista 2025

Resonance Themes


A Freestyle Resonance Transmission

This is a freestyle transmission that is natural, organic, and rich with timely stories, messages, and synchronicities tied to the resonance of the moment.

Video Length: 26:30 minutes

The text transcript and audio file are down below.






“Hello, sweet souls. How are you? How are you feeling? How is your soul today? How is your heart?

I welcome you to this space between us, this other dimension, where we get to be still and peaceful and quiet with each other.

I have a few different messages to share today. You know, I think I begin every message by saying, there's a lot going on in the world. We are living through wild times, and yet we must address, honor, acknowledge what's happening, even as we desire to go within and make meaning from it and transform and awaken, and you are awakening. If you're here, you are awakening. That's my belief. That's what I feel. That's what I feel in the resonance.

And this is a resonance update, so I share the messages, the streams of stories, between words, between points, between objects. I'm a multi-dimensional storyteller, so I share what my Soul hears and what the ancestors share with me. I'm recording with windows open, so I'm hoping you can hear the amazing symphony of birds around this morning, and maybe for one or two or ten of you, that is a message of some kind. There are beautiful songs playing in the background.

So the main message I'm hearing is to say, or the first message is to say, Trust You, Trust Us. And that is a message that came up through me several times this week as I was talking to my Soul. And I heard, when it when it rose to the surface, I heard they may not understand what US means.

Oftentimes, when I'm speaking from the soul, I use the word we or us, because while it is about me, while it is about you, the soul is first and foremost, one voice of all the voices within you.

And when you speak from the soul, when you live in the energy of the soul, you connect to its flow. You connect to its essence. And its essence is all that is. Period. So when you are listening to, speaking from, expressing from, living from the guidance of the soul, you are living from the guidance of all souls. You are living in the WE and not the I.

Now there's no wrong or right, right? We are both individuals in these human bodies, and also part of other dimensions and part of a network of all souls. So there's no wrong or right, but, but there is something really beautiful and sweet when we sort of settle into the soul and settle into the stream of all-that-is, we settle into the stream of consciousness of all souls.

The WE is purposeful. Speaking from the WE is part of your awakening, part of your emergence, into your multi dimensionality, into your connection to all-that-is. And I hear right now that can be uncomfortable, because all-that-is feels a little messed up on the human level.

There's like, lots of stuff happening that feels kind of crazy, and some of you love it and some of you hate it. All is allowed, right? It is. All is allowed, meaning you can judge it, you cannot judge it, that is up to you.

But I can understand that it might feel uncomfortable to get into the soul's voice and speak from the WE and realize that WE are connected to everything—that part of the consciousness of the collective is raging, and part of the consciousness of the collective is allowing, and part of the consciousness of the collective is thriving, right? It's okay. It's all right to be in that three, the three, the WE. It's all right.

When you speak to your Soul and you hear its wisdom and its guidance, it will advise you, it will invite you to trust it. So all this week when I was speaking to my Soul, it said, Trust You, Trust Us. Trust You, Trust Us. And I want to leave that with you on the altar, in the stillness, in the quiet, when you are alone, when it's just you and all the voices within and you allow your sweet Soul to speak. You can trust that well of love and compassion that rises to the surface. You can trust its guidance.

You are awakening, and that's why you're here. That's why you're here. I heard the call to speak about some other things that happen when you listen to the guidance of the soul. You start to speak, and I probably should demonstrate it to you, what it feels like, what it sounds like. I keep hearing that guidance, I keep hearing that invitation.

And also I need you to know that, like, how your Soul speaks is going to be different than how my Soul speaks, right? We sort of have different lenses and filters on this experience.

But my message to you is the soul speaks from the language of love, and anything that's not loving is not the soul period. Anything that wants to judge you or others is not the soul period. Anything that wishes harm people or planet is not the soul.

Let's just be real. It's not the soul. You are not acting from your Soul's guidance if you're wishing harm on another. Period. And I say that with loving compassion, right? And I say that with full awareness of many things that are happening on this planet.

The other thing the soul invites us in is to speak about what's happening in our life very differently. You know, the soul invited me to lean into my emotions. I was moving through every possible tragedy on top of one another over the course of a very short period of time. I was moving through the loss of my parents a year apart. I was moving through the loss of a long term relationship, a 20 year relationship. I was moving through the loss of my home. I was moving through the loss of my work.

And I say loss, but many of those things are choices, right? Even if we don't make the choice, many of those things are choices.

But I was moving through all that, and the soul said, I invite you to lean into this pain. I invite you to speak it, to speak what you're feeling. And as I did that, I discovered that I could move through that pain with far more compassion, with arms around me, right? With like metaphorical, multi-dimensional arms around me, holding me.

And what I learned through that process is like it's important to lean into the emotion. It's important to accept the experience, to witness it, to allow it, and if that means that you're on the floor crying for a week or a month, that's what it means, right?

I would not be surprised if many of you are so sad and so frustrated and so angry, and even, you know, hold that word hopeless. Sometimes. Hold it loosely, please, but I know many people who hold it.

The invitation from the soul over time, as you begin expressing from the soul's voice is to stop talking about your problems, your pain, to others and to speak about it to yourself, to talk about it with yourself.

I'm not saying it's not amazing to be witnessed by others. Of course it is. Why do I hold ceremony? Why do I hold sharing circle? It's so twenty other souls can be witnessed by the other. It's very powerful work.

And, as well, we can hold in the other hand, being able to speak about our pain with ourselves. Understand our pain with the body, allow the body to hear you understanding your pain, so get it out of the body and be aware of your words.

The soul speaks from a loving and compassionate place, and the soul, the soul taught me to add a very specific word to everything I was speaking about. You know, sometimes we are trying to, let's just say we're trying to make a project, or we're trying to build a business, or we're trying to find love, right? We're trying to find a partner, we're trying to find our soulmate, and that's complicated. We can talk about that another day—soul mates.

But the soul invited me to speak about the complications around that to myself, and then add a word at the end, so we might say, I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to make that, yet. We might say, I don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing, yet. We might say, I don't know when or what I want, yet. We might say, I haven't found love, yet, and that last one is complicated to begin with, because all the love that you're looking for outside of you is right inside you. And the moment that you realize that, the moment you talk to your Soul and allow your Soul to hold you and hear you and give you meaning, you sort of step into this other version of yourself that is like streaming with love force energy, and all the things that you were hoping for in life, they sort of just arrive. It's kind of wild. So YET is a very helpful word.

And I encourage you if you're feeling pain, if you're wondering about things, if you want something, add a YET to it, speaking to and from your Soul.

This week is going to be pretty important, because it can reveal miracles. It can reveal magic. So I will probably demonstrate how I speak to my Soul, but I want to give you example of what that means exactly.

About a week or so ago, I was having a private Cacao ritual, and I was with the ancestors, and I was with my Soul, and I know that they're around me all the time, my ancestors, but I call them in specifically. And I was having Cacao ritual, and I was asking for something. I don't always ask. Oftentimes I'll ask for guidance, I'll ask for protection. But I specifically said, Listen, everyone, hello, calling you all in. I need help with my ankle.

I had ankle surgery six or seven months ago. It's time. I said, I'm ready to move. I'm ready to hike. I'm ready to run again. I'm ready to travel. I'm ready to do all the things, but there's some sort of pain that I am trying to move through, and I know I will move through it, but I need your help and your guidance. And I left that there in ritual, in devotion, in reverence, in prayer.

And within days, days, I was connected to this holistic physical therapist here where I live. And, and after just two meetings, I'm doing things with my ankle that I haven't done in months, I haven't done since pre surgery, and I remember telling her this in the moment: Meeting you gives me hope.

That happened within days of sitting in ritual with the spirit of Cacao, with the collective of my ancestors, with words of reverence. I invoked and invited my multi-dimensionality to hold me, and days later, you know, I'm back at the gym, I'm back in yoga, doing things I haven't done in a long time. And I needed to share that with you, because that's the kind of magic that unfolds when you remember that ou are your soul. You are a soul. You are your soul mate.

So I'd like to take a moment and just sort of give you an example of what a conversation with the soul might sound like. Yeah, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it on camera for you, just so you can get a sense. I do this in workshops with people, and I do this one on one with people. I guide them down into hearing their Soul's voice, and that's because I've been doing it with myself for almost a decade now, and I know when it's the soul. I can understand what it's another part of me. I can certainly understand when it's it, it's the mind or my ego, and so let's just take a moment and speak to my Soul now.

Okay, don't go away. I Just need to breathe so.

Human: Hello, sweet soul, Hello, how are you? How are we?

Soul: All is well. All is always well. You know that all is always well.

Human: Sweet soul, I'm here recording a video and trying to demonstrate what it feels like to speak from this soul. And I wonder if you could describe what that feels like for me as a reminder and for others.

Soul: Well, to speak from the soul is an allowing. It is a release in the body. It is a dropping in deeper into the core, into the essence of you. It is quiet, it is peaceful, it is calm, and it flows naturally. And while you have developed this skill over many years, and now you teach it—we teach it—it begins really softly, really sweetly for you. For us, it began as one or two words that would appear behind the eyes. And even right now, we are seeing cursive paper, and we are drawing these words out for you, writing these words out for you, so you may say them aloud. Speaking from the soul is easy and essential, and we welcome the opportunity to support your natural unfolding.

Human: So, thank you for that. Now, as you know, I've had a rough week, a rough week for the mind, a rough week for my ego, and there has been pain in parts of my body as I regain my capacity to move. I wonder if you have any insight into that pain, into that stretchiness for us.

Soul: Well, you use the words perfectly. You are stretching. You are increasing your capacity. Pain is just a point of focus for you to go inward and to surface the meaning of it, if you so desire. And you are stretching, you are growing. We see a body in a sack of some kind, like a embryonic sac, and you are pushing and poking at it, and you are growing and emerging. That's all that's happening right now, sweet one. The pain is simply a portal to possibility, to places you may go, to bring curiosity, to bring wonder, to bring awe, to allow you to grow and transform.

Human: Sweet soul, sometimes it's hard to remember that when I am deep in the pain.

Soul: We hear you. We actually feel the tears emerging behind your eyes. We understand. We understand that pain feels impossible in the moment. Pain is just a moment, or many moments, that provide a portal to the next version of yourself. We're not saying it's easy. We're not saying it's hard. It is as easy or hard as you make it, sweet one. Allow the pain, allow the feelings about the pain, allow the feelings about the suffering, because it's in the moment that you allow it, that you really sit with it for a moment, or many moments, that you are able to emerge through it. We see you walking through doorways right now. We see us walking through doorways, and that's what pain is from a metaphorical standpoint. It is you walking through doorways into possibility, into potential, into emergence, into the next version of yourself with all its beauty and all its complications, into adventure, into opportunity, into attracting all this meant for you. So the invitation is to sit with the pain for moments, many moments, whatever you need, allow it. You can make it easy, or you can make it hard. You get to decide, and there are times when you make it easy, and there are times when you make it hard, there's no judgment there. But you get to choose. You get to decide, sweet one.

Human: Thank you, sweet soul. Thank you for those prompts and for that invitation. Is there anything else that you wish to say?

Soul: We're just going to echo what you have already said. Trust you and trust us. Trust that all that is unfolding is on purpose. It is here to invite you into a new level of expansion, a new level of emergence, and we're not talking about going up or going down in terms of level. We're just talking about growing, expanding into your multi-dimensionality. Remembering that you are a sweet Soul, so trust you and trust us, and remember that all is well. All is always well, even when it's not well.

Back to Maggie:

Wow, so I’m having a hard time believing that I did that on camera. Tears, wiping them out of the way. The process of listening to the soul is real. The soul is there to speak to you. The soul is the invitation to the journey inward, to find or allow unconditional love. Period.

And that feels like enough for today. Going to go wipe these tears, and if you made it this far into the video, thank you for witnessing that. Thank you for being here with me through it, and I promise I will be back again very, very soon. Bye, bye, bye.”


Resonance Themes for the week of February 2, 2025

This write up is a guided story and summary of what feels most resonant in the now based on my clairvoyant gifts, multidimensional messages, and ongoing studies in Ancestral Reverence, Mayan Cosmology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Western Astrology, Lunar Cycle Study, Soul Attunement and the Soul's Voice, Receptive Living, the Embodied Masculine & Feminine Polarities, and Deep Stillness in Meditation.

Today is 4 Aj in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. Aj is the energy of leadership aligned with the earth, that emerges straight up, like a corn stalk, from the earth. When I think of the “heart of the earth,” I think of the energy of Aj. It leads through gentleness, through softness, through quiet. And in collaboration with the sacred number 4, which represents wholeness and the four directions and the four pillars that hold up the earth, today is a beautiful day to remember self leadership is emboldened through connecting to the heart, the heart of the earth, and your own heart.


You Are the One


The Slow Way is the Fast Way