Resonance Guide, September 30, 2024
An image from the altar I made for my Equinox Cacao Ceremony. © Maggie Battista 2024
I'm writing this on Sunday. You're receiving it on Monday. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra is on Wednesday.
Between today and Wednesday, I invite you into stillness.
Become the eclipse ritual by asking yourself any of these questions:
How may you allow silence?
How may you say less?
How may you listen more?
How may you get quiet enough to hear/feel/see what is unfolding for you during this special moment in our cosmic evolution?
How may you challenge what is expected of you and allow what feels good in the now?
How may you finally close the door on old relationships, old stories, old paradigms, and old systems?
How may you do less and be more?
How may you be more?
How may you be?
As you feel into this eclipse, feel into what you want, what you need, what you know is unfolding for you. Take note of the old stories, as they are old now for a reason.
On this Moon Day, that is what I leave on the altar between us.
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra
Last week, I mentioned the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra. It's occurring this Wednesday, October 2.
Allow this moment in time to be a beautiful signpost pointing you toward your soul's next phase of emergence.
Given that October may present a little anxiety due to the swift change at the close of this year, the invitation is to slowly, softly, witness what is dying as well as the newness that is unfolding for you.
This is a really beautiful time for you to simply see what is happening for you, even when it's tumultuous, rough, or wild.
You are not a victim. You are the main character allowing the arc, the turn, the triumph, the closure in your story.
Now you may not see the arc so clearly yet. That's okay. Get still and listen closely. See what you see, hear what you hear, feel what you feel.
Libra is the sign of justice, of equilibrium, of harmony. Take note of where Libra falls in your chart as that is where stories may be taking their final bow. That is where you are inviting in the new.
As an example, I want to share that Libra falls in my 3rd house which hosts stories around close family-like relationships, communications, my thought process, daily schedules and rituals.
All of this is shifting for me.
I'm allowing old relationships to shift into their next iteration, which may involve seeing them for what they truly are, reflections and situations my soul imbued into this moment explicitly for its emergence.
I'm revising how I communicate, and, shortly, I'll be revising how I communicate here.
I'm moving across the country so my rituals will be revamped once I settle into the southwest.
And lastly, since the collective is moving through a huge transformation, how will you see the whole picture and do your part to promote peace through it?
I highly encourage you to promote peace within your body, so you have the capacity to offer peace and love around this shift in humanity.
I realize that I'm driving each day toward a new home, new relationships, and new rituals. But along the way, I am finding peace.
Between all the driving, I stay put in hotels and rentals, tending to my body, taking hot showers, icing and elevating my ankle, doing face masks, listening to music, watching “Nobody Wants This” on Netflix.
The hotel concierge just said to me, “You're having Self-Care Sunday.”
I thought, "Kinda yes." I am actually just allowing my body, my consciousness, my soul, to be the ritual in this moment.
Yesterday was 1 Ajpu
Yesterday, we began a new trecena (13-day cycle) in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. Ajpu is the energy of the spiritual path. These next 13 days are about allowing the divinity within to emerge.
This time is represented by the hero, shaman, or storyteller. It's a moment that's well aligned with the eclipse as it encourages us to look closely or listen closely in order to notice the holiness in this wild life.
The sacred number 1 is all about new beginnings. It is the beginning of the spiritual journey. It is a moment for you to start again.
You know how many people consider the first of the year a perfect time to begin again? Some begin eating differently, start working out, launch a new project, try something all over again.
There are so many moments when we can begin again, and 1 Ajpu offers the opportunity to start to connect within in order to see the divine all around you, or begin to cultivate its consciousness.
Today is 2 Imox
Imox carries the energy of the dream of the collective consciousness. And that's exactly the type of energy ready to burst forth in humanity. Together, we create the dream. Together, we can imagine something else, something better.
The sacred number 2 is about polarity, duality, relationships, and self-sacrifice. The 2 may help us see through the dream in order to see what is real and what is an illusion.
I am a big fan of pursuing the delusion. If we're not delusional, no one else will be for us. And also, I can see and accept what is, and hold both in parallel planes at once. It's all unfolding at once.
Once we see both—the illusion and the reality—we can decide what stays, what goes, and what we may need to sacrifice for the emergence of you, and the emergence of humanity.