Resonance Guide, November 24, 2024
The entrance to a new to me, favorite plant shop in Austin, Texas. © Maggie Battista 2024
Resonance Themes
How to Change a Life / Humanness / Self-Forgiveness / Play Big Not Small / Bee Spirit Medicine / Allow Aliveness / Follow Your Soul’s Compass / Learn Through Resistance / Gather Your Wisdom / It’s Time to Rise / The Dark Moon
A Freestyle Transmission on the Resonance
This is a freestyle audio transmission that is natural, organic, and rich with timely stories, messages, and synchronicities tied to the resonance of the moment. Think of it like a personal radio station designed just for you, a la minute.
Video / Audio Length: 35:21 minutes
The transcript is down below.
“Hello, sweet souls. How are you?
You can see my face. You can also hear me on audio. I'm doing all the things today. It really is an experiment in allowing more of me, all of me, to be out in the world. So hopefully, if all goes well, you will have options. You'll be able to see me on video, you'll be able to hear me in audio, and you'll be able to receive a transcript as well. And, there's lots of reasons why I was called to kind of expand on mediums. But let's just get into the message. Let's just get into the resonance of this moment.
If you want to, I invite you to take that deep breath. It felt so good when I took it so I'm going to invite you into it, which is really a big breath, in through the nose and then out through the mouth, but make that out breath audible. Okay, let's breathe together.
Gosh, that out breath feels so good. It feels really good.
So I have a lot to transmit today, based on everything that I've heard and seen and felt in the resonance between us. And I want to start by making sure you know that we are in the trecena, or the trecena, of E’ in the Mayan sacred calendar. And this is one of my favorite times. E’ is very strong in my Mayan Soul chart. And if you ever want your Mayan soul astrology reading, just reach out to me, and we can do that for you.
But E’ is the energy, the nawal, of the explorer of the journey, of the path. And we are starting anew, and we're in the middle of that journey right now. We've left the trecena of Kawok, which was all about the rain and the rebirth, and now we're on the journey.
So this message that I'm sharing with you will be from now till about the end of the month, and it's what I'm feeling in the body, in the Soul, in the resonance between us, and I'm recording it on 5 Ajmak in the Mayan Sacred Calendar.
As you know, I was called to the Mayan Sacred Calendar by my ancestors, and so the energies of the calendar speak to me and hold me and guide my journey, my becoming, my blossoming. They can do that for you too, if you want. I try to share as much as possible about the Mayan Sacred Calendar as we move through these guides.
But today is the energy of 5 Ajmak, and much of today is about allowing our humanness, really feeling into compassion for ourselves, reconciliation within. With the sacred number five, it does have to do with sort of work and service and inner work, but service could be outer work as well. And so I'm thinking about this as forgiveness of self, reconciliation with self, through service. And this came to me yesterday on 4 Tz’ikin, which is the energy of the visionary. I heard that it was time for me to start recording video. I don't know what I'll do with it. It's going up on We'll see what happens after that.
But today, I think the message is a lot about allowing your humaneness, reconciliating within, right, and also allowing whatever service you bring to the world to to offer some gratitude, some love, some forgiveness all around. So the energy of Ajmak is represented by the bee. The spirit animal is the bee. And I love the bee. The bee has followed me for many years now on the east coast, where I am now in Austin, Texas. The bee represents sweetness in collaboration, in community, in nurturing ourselves, in connection with each other. And so there is a sweetness that rises when we collaborate, when we work together, when we help each other, maybe even when we forgive each other.
The bee also has a regal quality to it. You know, bees work. They work to gather nectar, to bring it back to the hive, and they do that work, and they bring it back. And in doing that, they know they are enough, and then, they allow the time and the effort and the marinating in the hive to produce the honey.
So there's a lot of sitting back and reflecting right now for me, and that's what I'm feeling in the resonance, and I wanted to share that with you. So correspondingly, here are some messages that came to me over the last couple of days that felt worthwhile to share as part of the resonance.
The five words that kept sort of echoing in my head, five words, right? “How to change a life.” And I actually think that's beautiful, those five words, because today is five, the sacred number five, and it also represents the hand, right, the doing, the making, how to change a life. And that's what I want to speak to you about in this message. It is probably what I will speak to you about consistently as I continue to do these messages.
You know, this has been a big year in me changing my life, changing almost every aspect of my life, huh? And it may get me teary just thinking about it, but I think it's important that I share it with you.
When I used to be in a corporate career, I remember that we would create what we called BHAGs, or big, hairy, audacious goals. And as I bring this year, this calendar year, to a close, over the next what five to six weeks, I'm thinking not about the traditional BHAGs, but I'm thinking about how to celebrate me and the bold, heightening, audacious gems from the past year, and the ones that are like, no doubt, coming in like I can feel them coming in.
And I just want to treat this year as a celebration of how I changed my life by listening to this soul, by following its guidance, right? By detangling its voice from all the voices within and listening and following it.
There's been a lot of changes, and I want to share those changes with you. I have a little list of those changes, because the changes really started in 2021 and they've sort of unfolded over the last three years. And I think the first change, and I'll just offer you, if you're uncomfortable with talking about the body, then maybe you want to press ‘pause’ on this or fast forward. But my body has changed dramatically over these last three years. And yes, its shape and size has changed, and yes, its strength and flexibility has changed, but more so I listen to it now more than ever. I listen to the sounds and the sensations throughout the body. I listen when it says, ‘Go out into nature and walk.’ It's one of the first ways I heard the soul. The soul said, ‘We need you to get out of the house you're in and go into the woods alone.” Right?
So I'm celebrating that I listen to my body now that I hear it, that I follow it, you know, even now as I move through sort of a challenging time with my body, this year has been challenging. We'll talk about it, but following the body is a key element to hearing the soul.
I kind of want to give you a snapshot of what this year has been like. I hope it's helpful to kind of share the stories of the year, and maybe we'll dig into them further as we move along, but to share the stories of the year on a high level, so that you can tap in to your own stories, from the year, to your own way, to your own guidance, to your own cycle of your soul.
I started the year out, not here, but on the other side of the country, I spent a lot of time on the West Coast, and it was beautiful, and I had, I'm trying to figure out if I would call it a love affair. There definitely was a deep connection with another individual who I was able to see, and they were able to see me. And when I came back from that trip, literally came back crying on the airplane, not necessarily about this person, though they're fantastic, right? More so about what, what was I doing? Like, what am I doing staying in a place that I am at the moment done with, when there's so much aliveness out in the world,. And I know that at my age, we are trained to feel a little fear around doing something new. I'm definitely at midlife, if not past midlife, right?
But I came back and decided it was time to leave. I decided it was time to go. Finally. I didn't know how. I had these expectations in my head of how I might leave New England and go somewhere else. And I had ideas for where I might go. I had one very strong idea especially, but as I was coming into that knowing and that knowledge and that wisdom, suddenly I learned that all the body movement I had done over the last couple of years had caught up with me. I had been trying to heal an ankle injury from all the hiking I was doing, and it didn't heal naturally. And my surgeon decided we needed to do surgery. My podiatrist decided we needed to do surgery.
So that meant taking apart my life, like I couldn't live three floors up above the sea anymore, so I took everything and slowly started getting rid of it and releasing it out into the world, letting go.
There was a lot of resistance. No question, there was resistance, I think, because I thought I might leave in a different way. And yet, I started getting rid of things, and I put things in storage, and I let go of my lease, and I moved out. And first and foremost, I went to the Berkshires of Massachusetts, because that's a place that feels like home to me. It was a place where I could center myself after feeling a couple of months of resistance and dysregulation. And I did.
I spent time centering even though I couldn't hike. I spent time out, you know, in nature, even if it was just sitting out in the grass, and I just allowed me to return to center.
And then I moved back to the sea for my surgery, and spent three or four months on the sea having surgery and recovering from surgery and learning how to walk again, just hearing like ‘changing a life’ requires us learning how to do things again. I had to learn how to walk again because I couldn't use one foot, and I never thought I would be in that situation, a single individual out on my own, having to do something very, very hard with, with support, but support that didn't sort of fit into the box I had set up in my head.
But I did it, and so many friends came to help me. Gosh, I'm so grateful for the friends who were with me, who reached out to me, who showed up, who took me to the sea when I couldn't walk, when I was on a little scooter, right? And those three to four months in that little room, recovering also helped me awaken like the fullest extent of my magic, my connection to soul had already already been developed. My connection to my ancestors had already been developed. But now in that little room, I could hear everything more clearly, and they literally were like, ‘Hi, we're here.’ They literally came to check on me all the time, all the time, and I began to hear them more readily. Hear my passed ancestors, my passed guides. Hear all the other energies that I work with, like the Mayan Sacred Calendar. And they would share with me guidance and help me trust my path. Yes, they would also share with me things that were coming I could feel into what was happening, not just for me, but for others and for the collective especially with my clients. And yet, it is not my job or anyone's job, to tell you what's going to happen.
I don't really, I don't think I know the future. I don't always wish to know the future, because part of being a human is like allowing the awe of this lifetime, right? So they fully dropped in, and I met with someone who's a resource to me, and they said, ‘They were waiting for you to get still enough for them to be with you, for you to hear them, for you to detect them from all the voices within.’ So that happened.
And then once my doctor told me I was cleared-ish. We never really cleared, but I was cleared-ish. I had already put everything in storage, so I packed up my car and I drove 32 hours across the country. Took me about a week, eight days, because there was a hurricane that was happening during that time, but I drove across the country to my new land, which is Austin, Texas, which is where I am right now.
I was called to this land. It was a calling. It was a repeated calling that I needed to be here. And at some point, I know I will tell you all the reasons why I'm here, but that's not important right now. What's important is I did it slowly, methodically, bit by bit, with an ankle that was still healing, right?
I took some time to adjust to the climate here. I'm still adjusting to the climate here, if we're honest, right? I don't know what summer is going to be like here, but between my allergies and my ankle, I've been adjusting, and I've been trying to find a more permanent home here. Currently, I am in a little casita in South Austin, but I'm here. I'm here.
From the beginning of the year to now, right? We're what, the end of November, so we're 11 months in. Look at me. I'm here. I changed a life. I changed my life, right? All by following the nudges and the guidance from within, from my own Soul.
And I just want to allow that for a moment, changing a life is not easy, and many think that we need a specific plan, an agenda, a schedule, this, then this, then this, then this. What I did was allow myself to be guided moment by moment, and that was really hard. I'm not saying it's easy to follow the soul. There was a lot of resistance, but I allowed that resistance, right? I allow that resistance, and I learned so much about me through the process. And so now I'm here, and I want to share some things that have happened that feel like messages for all, not just messages for me.
Over the course of this week, whenever there was resistance. Sorry, over the course of this year, whenever there was resistance, I always brought curiosity to the situation, and I've done a lot more shadow work. Every year, we're growing we're learning about ourselves. And I've done a lot of shadow work this year.
And I've done a lot of other big things, like last week, I attended an intimacy event. Literally, there were 40 men and women there to explore intimacy, sacred intimacy, sacred union, between two individuals, and we did a lot of practices and exercises to be with the intensity of each other.
And I am learning what it feels like to be with the intensity of another person. And I don't mean shallow intensity, I mean deep intensity, like the kind where you're looking in each other's eyes for minutes, many moments, and you're sharing the most vulnerable stuff, and you're bringing a lot of compassion.
And it was super enlivening for me to witness how I react when I get what I think I want. Like, if you were to ask me what I want in a future partner or future partners, I would say real deep intimacy, real deep presence with each other. So it was wild to feel in my body what that felt like for a moment. There was one person that I met with. I met with a bunch of people there, but there was one person in particular where our depth really met each other. We weren't romantic connections, but it was beautiful for human to human, to do that, and for me to be able to do that with a man was really beautiful.
I'm also doing other kinds of soul work, where I am writing down a lot of the lessons of last year, two or ten, from the soul. And much of that is because you, you all know I'm a writer. Yes, I said, y'all. Y'all know I'm a writer, and I am spending more time writing. But there's some things that I wrote down that I wanted to share with you.
For example, I noticed and I finally heard it and felt it, like the ancestors offered the wisdom that sometimes… You know, I talk a lot about judgment versus discernment in my work, but I'm a human. I still judge others. I'm not at all perfect, even though I bring a lot of curiosity to so many of my behaviors, but sometimes, I judge others for offering their bigness, or that all-that-is-ness to the world, right, for telling their most true and authentic story, for being super vulnerable publicly.
And I was like wait, but I do this? So What? What? What is here for me, like, what is there for me to learn here? And I learned that that's a signal within me, that I'm not yet embodying my-all-that-is-ness publicly, that in many ways, I'm still playing small.
And that's okay. I don't have to do all of it, right? And also, this is not a judgment of another human. Like all of our judgments of others are judgments about ourselves in a particular moment. Take that. If you judge another, you're really judging a part of yourself that you may not have fully developed, or you may not be able to sit with and bring compassion to. So I'm consistently asking myself whether I'm playing small. How can I bring my most authentic self to the experience in this moment?
Any judgment I harbor of myself or another holds a really important piece of intelligence, or even medicine, from my growth, from my becoming, from my expansio. Not just of my spiritual self, but like my pure old human self, right?
I also wrote down this week, and I want to offer it to you. It felt very alive that each time something doesn't work out quickly or on my mind's timeline, because my mind still has a timeline, even though I say ‘Loosen your grip, sweet one.’ I hear the soul say that.
But each time something doesn't work out instantaneously or on a specific timeline, I remind myself that there is more here first. Perhaps I need more experience, perhaps I need to allow more pleasure. Perhaps I need to allow more peace. Perhaps there is more education for me to gather, more wisdom to surface, right? And that everything is working out in timing that aligns with the development and the expansion of my soul. And that is a message for you too.
Another thing unfolded this week, and I know it's for all. It's not just for me. I had a big, I guess I would call it a dream. It was visualization or meditation with the ancestors during a Kundalini activation event. And you've probably heard a lot about Kundalini activation. A lot of times it happens involuntarily, and it has happened many times involuntarily to me over the last several years, as I really use the technology of this body, allow it to expand.
And also ,you can do it voluntarily with a facilitator. And I highly recommend Kelsey Phillips. She's based in Ecuador. She is Shaktimama on Instagram, and she does free Kundalini activation events every month, every other month. And she sort of channels as a vessel for this, this movement of energy, this energy of Shakti.
And I've been participating in her sessions for a few months now, because, you know, I was still for so long on a bed with my ankle propped up, and so it was really helpful for me to move energy. And in this past week's session, I had a vision that I think is really important to share with you.
Before we went into practice. I called in everyone. I called in my guides. I called in my ancestors, my healthy and healed ancestors. I called in my teachers, and that may be people who are actually teachers, the energy of my teachers, but also my relationships, all of my relationships, even people I'm no longer in relationship with, right? And I called in the energies of the Calendar and the energies of Cacao, because I work with the spirit of Cacao very closely.
And we sat around an astral fire, and they spoke to me, and they told me why I came to Texas. Now I know many of the reasons why I came to Texas. I have received them in visions. I know some things that may unfold here. I kind of hold them at arm's length as best that I can, so that I may allow awe and surprise and not build up expectation for what might happen.
But they offered a much more, I want to say, important reason, a less human reason for coming to this land, for why I was called to Texas, for why I'm meeting so many different types of healers and writers who have been called to this land. And I'm not going to share all of it with you at this point, but I am going to share that one of the ancestors pointed at me and then pointed at all and used their finger and said, ‘It's time to rise, like it's time to rise.’ And that wasn't just for me. That was for you too. It's time to rise. We're being called to rise.
They also offered that all these perceived challenges that we have in life. I'll speak for me, like the challenge of finding a new home right now, whatever challenge you may be going through. The challenges that arise along the way are the way. They are the way. You are meant to learn and transmute the pain into wisdom so that you can offer whatever you want to offer to the world, whatever you hear the call to offer, even if it's just a smile to the person you meet on the street, right?
So finally being on this land, well, so I wanted to tell you that dream. I wanted to tell you that vision with the ancestors, and also share that like finally being on this land, I'm beginning to hear the call to finally sit down and write my next book.
I've written a couple of books, but they were in a different realm, and this one is a memoir on how to hear your soul and also how to become alive again, how to feel aliveness, how to allow aliveness to move through you, energy to move through you.
And so, I'm excited to share bits and pieces of that journey with you, of those stories with you, and part of the thread, like one of the threads in my story, perhaps in yours, is to understand abundance and prosperity in a very different way, that much of it is about aliveness and about having what you need in the moment that you need it. Being what you need in the moment that you need to for yourself, right? For yourself. Transmitting pain into progress, whatever progress means to you.
So this message is for around now, November 23/24 through the end of the month, at least. And by the end of this week, we will be approaching December 1, and also a New Moon in Sagittarius. And I work with the lunar cycles very closely. And this week, in particular, we are moving through the dark moon phase, which is my favorite phase. It is the phase in which I heard myself most loudly, most strongly. It is the phase in which we review, we do the inner work to think about all that's happened and the lessons we wish to glean from it all. And so this is the week for that.
I invite you to really kind of move in with the dark moon phase, like be with it, exist with it, sit with it, marinate in it. And I know this week, in sort of the American calendar system, is a big holiday, and you will be around a lot of people, perhaps.
I invite you to find the moments that you can to go inward, to be with the dark moon, to allow your own wisdom and voice to rise, because there's wisdom there. In fact, what I'm hearing is even though you will be with other people, as you are with other people, oftentimes that is when we feel the most independent, the most alone, not necessarily in a bad way, but in a way that allows us to be within and really witness, witness what's happening outside of us, witness what's happening within us. Hear our own thoughts. Hear all the voices within you. You know, the soul is the ringleader of all the voices within the mind, the ego, the personality, the witness, our awareness, the heart and its emotions, the body and its sensations. The soul is the ringleader, and so the soul is asking you to really take this time to listen, to listen.
And what I tried to do over the last week or two is really listen to these messages for myself of this year so that I can remove, separate, what's for all? Right? There is a, there are segment of messages that are for me, there are a segment of messages that are for all and that's what these resonance guides are about. I want to make sure that I offer you the texture of the moment.
All the systems that I've studied are fantastic, astrology, the gene keys, human design, Soul attunement, ancestral reverence, the Mayan, Sacred Calendar, like all of them, are wonderful individually. But in the study and the sitting with it all, I can see I'm doing a figure eight—infinity. In the study and the the sitting with it all, I have been able to access a plane of resonance, of texture, that is of and between these systems, but also something else entirely. It's the frequency between us. It’s the frequency of what's happening around us.
So that feels like plenty, and I'm super grateful if you've sat with me for these 30 minutes or so, and I look forward to doing this again. And listen, if you sat with this to the end, let me know, please. It's very helpful for me. I'd love to know what stood out for you, what rung true for you, all right, until next time.”
The resonance themes November 24, 2024. © Maggie Battista 2024
This write up is a guided story and summary of what feels most resonant in the now based on my clairvoyant gifts, multidimensional messages, and ongoing studies in Ancestral Reverence, Mayan Cosmology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Western Astrology, Lunar Cycle Study, Soul Attunement and the Soul's Voice, Receptive Living, the Embodied Masculine & Feminine Polarities, and Deep Stillness in Meditation.
Today is 6 No'j in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. With the sacred number 6, this is a powerful day to gather the support from all the directions: east (air), south (fire), west (water), north (earth), the heart of the sky and the heart of the earth, as well as the midpoint that connects all six directions in your heart. No'j is the energy of intellect and using your knowledge to solve whatever challenge is before you. Ask the directions to be the wind in your sails as you continue your journey (in the trecena of E') toward becoming your highest self, your sweet Soul.