Resonance Guide, December 1, 2024


The bringing of the dawn, that first light, outside my casita in Austin, Texas. © Maggie Battista 2024

Resonance Themes

The Bringing of the Light / What If You Fly? / Self-Belief / Neutrality / Do You Accept Yourself? / Take a Deep Breath / Embody the Heart Space / The Light is Right on You

A Freestyle Transmission on the Resonance

This is a freestyle audio transmission that is natural, organic, and rich with timely stories, messages, and synchronicities tied to the resonance of the moment. Think of it like a personal radio station designed just for you, a la minute.

Video / Audio Length: 17:50 minutes

The transcript is down below.



“Hello, sweet souls. How are you?

I'm going to be dipping in and out of the light today as it's moving across a window up above, but it's perfect for today's resonance session. It is very timely, actually, given the energy of today.

Some of you know that I study Mayan cCosmology and the Mayan Sacred Calendar, and today is 12 Aq’ab’al in the calendar. And while I'm still a student of this, and will be for many, many years—even though it's part of my lineage—I like to share what I hear. I like to share what I feel in the resonance between us and Aq’ab’al represents dawn, or allowing the light, the brightening.

With the sacred number 12, it represents a bundling of life experience, to reveal light, to reveal clarity, to reveal a way, perhaps, and it's perfect in the trecena of E’, which represents the journey, your journey, my journey, our journey as a collective. It's very timely, given this resonance transmission will offer a little bit about light, a little bit about clarity, and what I feel is coming in for some of us, all of us, many of us, definitely for me, and so I offer it as a vessel, as a beacon of what I'm hearing.

So let's begin with talking about what everyone's talking about, and that is the fact that we are in the middle of Mercury Retrograde. And if you watched last week's resonance, you know that I am reviewing stories of my life over the course of this year especially. And while Mercury Retrograde to many traditionally means like things are going to go wrong and mistakes are going to happen, yes, and I'm reviewing. I am looking for the lessons. I am celebrating success. I'm getting really curious about what I did this year and what it means to me. And I invite you into that as well. If it feels good, if it feels aligning.

I keep hearing the quote that many of you have heard, probably, it's, “What if I fall? Oh, but darling. What if you fly?”

And it's so touching, right? It's popped up throughout my life, that little poem, that little snippet by the Australian poet Erin Hanson.

What if you fly? What if, in the midst of all the reviewing and all the sitting with everything that happened, what if you succeed, whatever success means to you. So that's coming to the forefront.

And as I think about the stories and review the stories of this year, I'm not just sort of challenging myself, I'm bringing curiosity to myself. I'm receiving moments of challenge, moments of deep curiosity.

In fact, recently, I had a conversation with a person via audio, and this person was very studied and very knowledgeable, and we were able to hold some space for each other and our wildly different experiences, are wildly different opinions. Gingerly, right? Tenderly.

I am rooted in going within to hear myself, to hear my wisdom, to hear my own guidance, to understand what my body needs, to hear my knowing. And they believed or believe in going externally, to community, to the collective, to know thyself.

And ultimately, we're both right, right? Because there is truth in both of these paths, both of these types of learning, of allowing, but in the moment, it was a kind of challenge.

You know, in fact, in the voice of this individual, I heard past teachers. I heard parts of my father in this person, speaking through this person, I heard sort of like a combo of people I've known in this life and perhaps in others, right?

And it invited me to ask myself, Do I believe me? Do I believe in me? And I'm gonna leave that for you on the altar.

Do you believe in you? Do you believe your story? Do you believe your pain? Do you believe in the possibility to transmute that pain into progress or even prosperity? And if you have a really big soul contract, and only you will know if you do right? I don't know that for you, but if you have a very big purpose, you will likely receive a lot of curiosity and challenge and questioning in this lifetime.

So how much do you believe in you, in your mission, in your values, in your story, in the meaning that you choose to make, in the meaning you choose to bring to the world. So that is something that's in the field right now that I wanted to share with you.

In terms of self belief for me, the only thing standing in my way of self belief is me. The only thing standing in the way of you believing you, is you, right? And all of me, my most loving self, my soul, that beautiful language of love buried deep within and also my fears, my mind, my unhealthy and healthy coping mechanisms for my trauma.

And I think this is why I started to listen to my soul like fully, to follow its guidance and its intelligence. And I can teach you how to do that if you want.

At some point, I should take a moment to introduce myself, because I realized I did not do that in the last video.

I am Maggie Battista. I am a storyteller and a soul teacher, and I share stories to help you listen to your soul and follow its guidance, not in an absolute way, but in a loving and tender way, to allow you to transmute your pain into wisdom, into progress, into prosperity and whatever that looks like to you, right? It will look different for each of us. I heard my soul my ancestors speak through profound personal loss and intuitive activation many years ago, and now I bridge dimensions to help you remember that you're a soul while also being human, but you're probably more of a soul than a human.

I offer Soul Resonance Sessions where I share soul wisdom just for you, in collaboration with the ancestors and their messages. And you can book that directly over at, where I host a lot more stories, and I host this video too. So enough about me.

In the face of fear and challenge and tumult and questions that is in the air right now, on a personal level and on a collective level, I bring curiosity. I bring in light, brightness, possibility.

I recently, actually, in the last week, heard the word loinner, and I'm probably saying it incorrectly. It's an Irish word. It means sparkle, or tiny moments that light up your life, or glimmer. And I invite you to look for them, to notice them, to pay close attention. And I notice them in all different ways, from little knowings and little messages I hear, to the light that shown through in a house that I recently saw. The house wasn't for me, but that light in that moment was a blessing right before me, right? It's right before me as a blessing, right? Right when I needed it.

The other thing that's coming up in the resonance between us right now—what I'm listening to, paying attention to—is the idea of neutrality, the invitation into neutrality. It's something that I invite myself into daily, right?

As I see all this light and this glimmeriness, maybe I'll move a little bit forward. Nope, I'll move back.

When I say neutrality, I mean not assigning right and wrong, or good and bad, or pro and con, or up and down, or death and destruction versus birth and renewal, Yin-Yang, but finding harmony and allowing, right? Allowing it to be a little easier, and also allowing that neutrality to help you regulate whatever is happening within, right?

My belief is there are no mistakes. There are things that feel terrible and things that feel beautiful, right? But it's less about right and wrong and more about allowing and what does it mean to me, and what am I going to do about it if I choose to.

What does what you're seeing in the world, in your life, in your family, in your friend group, mean to you? And that's a strong resonance that's coming in right now in the space between as I notice, as I notice what's being said and what's not being said as I notice the glimmers, right? The loinner. I'm sure I'm saying it incorrectly, but I invite you in the midst of madness, to notice the light, notice the glimmers, right? And invite all that's happening in with some neutrality to the best of your ability. I mean, we're humans, right? So we just do our best.

I'm asking myself a lot of questions about love lately, and I'm sort of extracting love and acceptance. I heard that in the field this week, there is love, and I know I love myself, and then what about acceptance? Do I accept myself?

We can love ourselves, and we can still not accept ourselves and like, how do we move those things together. So do I really love myself? Do I really love others? Can you love yourself even as things feel like they are breaking or falling apart or being pulled apart around you?

In terms of love this week, I was reminded of a session I did right here in Austin, Texas.

Here, let's see if I can move forward. Nope, still light.

Of a session that I did in Austin Texas about a year ago. I was in a breath work ceremony here in Austin for three days with 1000 people, and it was wild and it was deep and it was challenging.It was painful and it was beautiful.

And in the midst of it all, I started to say something, and I didn't really recognize what I was saying. Later, I was told that it was light language. A couple of friends came to me and I told them what I was saying, and they interpreted it for me. And what I was saying was, “I am love, and with this love, I enlight.”

And I won't share the light language, but like that statement came up this week as I was in the field, meeting with people, as I was moving through connections, seeing family. I am love.

Can I hold that love? Continue to hold that love during all that's going on and with this love and light?

Lately, I've been thinking that like love is easy. I mean, it's effortless, like many of us can fall in love form an attachment that feels like love very easily. I think acceptance is harder. Can you accept where you are, who you are, what you want, who you are becoming? Because, in order to change what is, we must accept what is first. Can you love and accept her, him, they, yourself? And really embody that acceptance around people, sure, but in stillness. Can you do that, too? That's what I'm hearing.

And if it feels aligning, I invite you to close your eyes and sit with me for a moment and just take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Can you accept yourself exactly as you are? There's nothing to fix. There's nothing to change. Certainly, we can bring curiosity to all the things we wish to review, understand, bring curiosity to, things that we might wish to interrogate in some way.

And also, can we accept ourselves? And I notice that I put my hands on my body when I say, accept myself. Can you accept yourself?

And maybe you want to take your hands and put them somewhere on your body? Right now, whatever feels good, I always go back to the heart, the heart where the intelligence lives, where the soul intelligence lives, right? It flows through the heart. Can you accept yourself?

So that's what's in the field today, with these glimmers of light all around me.

Mm, it's right on me, right? It's funny how near the end of this, the light is right here on me. There's no escaping it. It's here. It's present on my slightly red cheeks, right?

That feels like enough for today. I hope this is helpful as you move through whatever you're moving through this week. And I invite you to check out my websites: and for more.

And I'll be back next week with another video. Take care of you, sweet souls.”


The resonance themes December 1, 2024. © Maggie Battista 2024

This write up is a guided story and summary of what feels most resonant in the now based on my clairvoyant gifts, multidimensional messages, and ongoing studies in Ancestral Reverence, Mayan Cosmology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Western Astrology, Lunar Cycle Study, Soul Attunement and the Soul's Voice, Receptive Living, the Embodied Masculine & Feminine Polarities, and Deep Stillness in Meditation.

Today is 12 Aq’ab’al in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. Aq’ab’al represents dawn, or allowing the light, the brightening. With the sacred number 12, together, it represents a bundling of life experience, to reveal light, to reveal clarity, to reveal a way, perhaps, and it's perfect in the trecena of E’, which represents the journey, your journey, my journey, our journey as a collective. What wisdom is coming to light on your journey?


The Most Vital Soul Message: Choose Yourself Now


Resonance Guide, November 24, 2024