The Most Vital Soul Message: Choose Yourself Now
A Soul Message with the Ancestors
A mixed cheese, meat & vegetable plate for my solo Thanksgiving dinner in Austin, Texas. © Maggie Battista 2024
You may watch the video, listen to the audio, or read this text message. Length is approximately 15:50 minutes
“Hello, sweet souls, how are you? How are you feeling?
Today, I heard a call to come in and create this video. I could feel it coming in yesterday and today. I was resolute that I was going to sit down and record it for you.
It's a little bit different than a resonance message, but/and it is bubbling up inside of me, I think, for a reason and for a purpose. So I'm going to share it with you today, and it's about the soul, my Soul, your Soul, and the most vital message I've ever received from my own Soul, from the calm and all knowing wisdom and language that surfaces from within when we get quiet, when we listen. It is our truest compass, our most sincere guide, and it reveals our soul truth.
And the message is long and simple at the same time. In short, what you think is self care, what the media and society and systems tell us is self care is not the ultimate self care. It is not the most whole way to care for your body, for your mind, for your divine essence that flows through you, for your Soul.
And I want to tell you what it is and what that message is, because it was the very first message that came in when I began listening to my Soul's voice, gosh, what feels like almost 10 years ago.
But before I do, I want to say hi. I'm Maggie. I'm so glad that you're here. I am a storyteller and a writer and a soul teacher, and I essentially moved through deep personal loss and intuitive activation many years ago, and that's when my Soul came to life, and I began to not only hear my soul, but I began to hear the ancestors, a collective of ancestors that I work with.
And I do lots of things right now, but I’m very focused on hearing the call to make videos for you. You can learn all about me at two sites that I run:, which is where I share video and audio and messages and stories and images, and you can go to to learn more about me professionally and book a 1 on 1 session with me if you'd like to speak with the ancestors. But we're not here for that today.
We're here to talk about the deepest form of self care that there is. And I'm going to just take a moment to breathe. I'm gonna breathe. You're welcome to breathe with me. I'm just gonna drop in for a second, and I'm gonna take in a breath through my nose and release it through my mouth. And you're welcome to do that with me too. If it feels good. It felt really good.
So let's do it again, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Thank you.
So this deep form of self care is the first message, one of the first messages I ever received from the soul. I was moving through tumultuousness and tragedy and literal death and figurative death, and at one point I was sitting there in stillness, because stillness is where you can most loudly, most strongly, hear the soul, to hear your own Soul. And I was sitting in stillness, and I heard the soul say, ‘The best thing you can do for yourself now and always, is to choose yourself, hold yourself and soothe yourself, period.” Through anything you move through in this lifetime. And all the other things that people outside of you say is self care: getting a facial, getting a massage, getting your nails done, shopping, going for a walk—all of that is fine. There's nothing wrong with that. There's no judgment around it. We approach all of it with neutrality.
And also, the truest form of self care is to be still with yourself and make choices from your divine essence, from your Soul. Your Soul is your divine essence. It is the calm and all knowing wisdom and language that surfaces from within when you get quiet and listen.
And when I started hearing my Soul really clearly, I started to write stories, and I started to sort of become a bit of a vessel for the messages from my own Soul.
And then I started to realize that other people, resonated with these messages that were less like “downloads” and more like a remembering, more like a remembering from some other time in this lifetime, or some other past lifetime, some other dimensio.
And the first thing the soul said to me—choose yourself, hold yourself and soothe yourself—was so profound for me, and it really helped me change my entire life, make radically different choices and make sure I was tending to myself as I made those choices, as I decided to take a slightly different path than I had been on for so many decades.
And I think that the soul told me these things—choose yourself, hold yourself and soothe yourself—because, one, we are here to honor this vessel, this body, this brilliance, this purpose, this drive, this mission, this heart and soul that lives within us. We are here to honor that, to follow its call as it speaks to us, and part of living this life on this planet right now especially, involves feeling a full spectrum of emotions.
In essence, the soul has said that's one of the main reasons we're here, which is to feel a full spectrum of emotions, to allow this body to kind of ride that wave, that emotional wave, and to allow all of it to not harbor judgment against bad emotions or good emotions—to not try, try, try, try, try, try so hard to stay in the positive emotions all the time, because it's not really possible. This life is not about that necessarily.
We're here to have experience, right? And so if we're going to feel the full spectrum of emotions, and we're going to be presented with lots of choices and lots of options, lots of things we could do for our survival or for our thriving, then we need to get used to choosing ourself, holding ourself, and soothing ourself.
So the invitation I lay on the altar between us is, Do you choose yourself, and can you hold and soothe yourself through those choices? And if you don't choose yourself, why not?
Maybe you can't choose yourself all the time, but maybe you can choose yourself some of the time.
And I heard that it was really profound to share this message with you, because self care is like what we're here for. The more we care and tend to these bodies, to this purpose, to this brilliance, to this heart and soul, the more we can step into, the more you can step into what your calling is.
And a calling doesn't have to be big and major. A call can be: Just enjoy this moment to the next moment. A call can be: Just find your soul family. A call can be: Just make something that feels beautiful to you and to me.
Now, as I continue to hold that message—Choose yourself, hold yourself, soothe yourself—those words are what guides my work with clients, definitely, but it guides how I hold this body, how I handle everything that comes at me, and there's so much that comes at us in this lifetime, and to me, those things are like the key to living this life.
You know, it's the key to being authentic. It's the key to moving from a place of integrity. It's the key to—I made notes over here—bridging the earthly with the divine, which is part of my work. Now, it's something that I do, but it's something that everyone can do.
It's the key to allowing and it's the key to allowing peace and calm. And my “success”—if there is a success measure, which there isn't really, but if there was—the soul, says that finding and allowing peace and calm in the body may be the success metric, right?
And I know that there's so much coming at you right now. There's so much coming at me. There's so much that's being said around you. So much of the external world wishes to tell you how to live and how to be and how to survive. They even want to tell you how to thrive, but my invitation to you is to go within; is to find some stillness, even in just a few moments of your day, and allow yourself to bask in peace and calm—the peace, the calm that surfaces from within when you get quiet, because it's in that space that you can listen. You can listen to yourself. You can listen to all the voices within, because the soul is kind of like the ringleader of all the voices within. And really the strongest voice within.
We've been conditioned to allow the mind to be the strongest voice, to let it take center stage and listen, that's okay. Sometimes we have to strategize just to stay alive, just to be able to pay the bills, just be able to, you know, tend to our communities, and also, the soul invites you to get still, get quiet, and allow its guidance to surface, so you can follow it. And when it surfaces, when a choice presents itself, that maybe presents some contrast between what the other parts of you may think it wants, think they want, or what people outside of you want from you, it's your work to hold and soothe yourself through the choices that you make, and this has been the most direct message the soul has offered me.
Though there are streams and streams of messages that my own Soul's voice has offered, and I teach people how to hear the soul's voice—how to hear your own soul's voice—because the language of my Soul's voice is slightly different than the language of your Soul's voice, and that's cool. We all have to hear things in slightly different ways to be able to live and thrive and move toward adventure, move toward growth and expansion, if we so desire.
We don't have to. Many of us prefer comfort and cozy, and there are parts of me that prefer that too. But the more I listen to my Soul, the more I allow myself to pursue adventure, to pursue newness, to try new things, to learn more about me—my body, my brilliance, my heart, all the parts of me, my pain, all of it.
And the more I listen, the more I'm able to allow it and then transmute all of it, especially the pain, into prosperity or progress, as it feels good.
So that's the message that I wanted to leave with you. Choose yourself, hold yourself, and soothe yourself. That is the ultimate form of self care, that is it, and that feels like enough for the altar today.
So I hope this message resonates. If it does, feel free to like or leave a comment, and again, you can learn more about me on my other websites. They're linked in my profile.
I will be back next week with another soul resonance message. I share those messages because they are messages from my own soul and from the ancestors based on the energy between us, the resonance, what is not said, but what is felt.
And I'll be back next week with another one of those. Okay, until next time, I'm sending you so much love and so much magic.”
Today is 2 Kame in the Mayan Sacred Calendar. The energy of Kame is that of death and transformation. It’s the energy that assures us that our passed loved ones and ancestors are ever present with us, ready to aid us with multidimensional messages, ready to help us expand and shift into the next version of ourselves. With the sacred number 2, this energy feels particular present in our relationships and in the choices we make today. Making a decision—yes or no, but not maybe—will help you step into your sweet Soul today and throughout this trecena of Kan.