Soul Message: We Are All One Soul
A Soul Message with the Ancestors
An image of street art in Wimberley, Texas. © Maggie Battista 2024
The recent stream of messages from the ancestors and a new expansion of my own soul’s wisdom has inspired me to launch a new group journey to “Embody Your Soul: Five Weeks to Clarity on Your Soul Codes for Abundance.” It’s time to reveal your highset path and illuminate a lasting sense of prosperity within you.
We begin on Sunday, November 10. Enroll here. There’s a scholarship opportunity, mentioned at the end of this post.
You may read or listen to this message. Length: 6:45 minutes
“We are all seeing parts of ourselves in another, whether it be the person at the post office, the profile on the dating app, or the message from a parent. We are all seeing parts of ourselves in another.
This is what draws us to people. This is what draws people to us.
And you think that you may like this soul or that soul because of who they are, but in this three dimensional existence, you like this person and that person because they reflect a part of you back to you. And you either like that part of you or wish to bring curiosity to that part of you.
So when you see another, when you interact with another, when you talk with a friend, or when you develop a new relationship, it is all about seeing parts of you. The more you can see parts of you in another, the more you develop the capacity to love yourself and love another.
This is real love. This is what love is. Love is just seeing something in another that causes us to love ourselves. And because we love ourselves in that reflection, we form a kind of love or attachment for another, because they show us more of ourselves.
Now in the world, in this existence of trauma and pain, sometimes the reflection of another reflects a part of us that presents a deep pain, offers a sincere curiosity, projects or represents a fear. And sometimes we feel because that reflection revealed this fear, revealed this trauma and this pain, we feel like there is more of an attachment. We develop more of an attachment for this person because they are constantly reflecting our pain.
That is fine. That is fine. That is part of this existence of learning and growing in relationship with another.
But the best part, the real part, is when we see the best parts of ourselves in another because when we see that wholeness and that love for ourselves, we remember how it doesn't matter if this person is a romantic relation, a family member, a best friend, or a colleague—we remember that we really are all one love.
We represent each other to each other. We are each a part of each other. We are all related. We are all one soul. And so, our invitation on the altar is to bring some curiosity to your relationships, to their beauty and their pain.
Who reflects the love of yourself back to you?
Who reflects the presence of your pain back to you?
There's no wrong or right. There's no need to attach to this person and detach from this person because of X, Y or Z. Relationships are here to teach us lessons, to reveal our gifts to us. And so seeing parts of ourselves and loving parts of ourselves through another is beautiful.
And also, seeing our pain through another, bringing presence to that pain, bringing curiosity to that pain through another is also beautiful. It helps us grow. It helps us learn. It helps us be more of us. It helps us react less and find some peace and stillness within to release anxiety and cultivate presence with the peace that is within us.
And when we cultivate that presence, when we cultivate that peace, we cannot just be present to all that life offers us. We can be present to our aliveness. We can be present to all that wishes to move through us. We can move past all of our reactive natures and just witness and just be with and just allow. And then, we get into the frequency, the resonance, naturally, of all that is alive, of all that is abundance, of all that is love, of all that is sweetness.
We can transcend the space and time and just get into the flow, the flow of the frequency, the resonance of the waves that move through us and around us.
And so we heal in relationships not to be a better human. We see the reflections in others to learn not to be a better human. We do all of this to remember the soul and allow the fullness, the wholeness of the soul to prevail, to be alive, to be all that is, to feel our interconnectedness to each other and to everything.
From that place, the soul can work with all of our human parts to design a life that is free, liberated from constraints, a life that feels far less resistant and full of allowing, a life that gives us so much presence to love, to love and to frequency, and to the soul codes, our soul codes, for abundance.
That's what we leave on the altar between us today. That's what we leave for you, and that's what we leave for all.
We invite you into this sweetness. We invite you into this knowing. We invite you into this frequency with us. We, we, all of us, as one.”
Today is 4 Toj in the Mayan Sacred Calendar, which represents offering payment to a physical debt to align to wholeness. On top of some personal activities, I’m opening a scholarship to my new program: Embody Your Soul. Email me at with details about you and why you wish to be considered.