What If Everything Is Working Out For You?
Plus, a Soul Message with the Ancestors
An image of me holding my first cookbook in 2015. © Maggie Battista 2024
Look at this girl. This is a photo of me when my first cookbook was published in 2015.
I have been 10 different versions of myself since this photo but I look back at her with so much fondness, love, and tenderness. Can you say the same? Can you hold love for past versions of you?
The girl in this photo was worried about her work. She was worried about opening a food market with Harvard University. She was worried about whether her book would sell. She was worried about whether anyone would show up on her book tour.
Perhaps more so, she was worried about her deteriorating relationship. She was also worried about her mother, whom she was caring for during her seven year battle with ovarian cancer.
Here's the thing about all this: When something didn't work out, she thought life was happening to her. She thought she was a victim. She certainly thought she had to force and hustle to make anything happen.
Also, she was just beginning to study consciousness. She was just beginning to hear a voice within her that wished for something different. She finally listened to that voice when her mother died two years later.
And now, she'll stop speaking about herself in the third person!
Why am I telling you all of this? Because I now know this truth: Everything is working out for me.
And the ancestors offered me a message that helps me drop all the stories I tell myself so I may finally believe that everything is working out.
Everything is working out.
Even when it doesn't seem to be for me.
Even when it doesn't seem to be for you.
Here's that soul message with the ancestors:
“What if everything is working out for you? What if you could just decide in every moment that everything is working out exactly as it should, as it could, as it would.
What if you simply decided to allow your suffering in the present moment, allow it so you could get to the place of remembering that everything is working out, that this had to happen in order for that to happen, that whatever is unfolding in your life right now is perfectly timed, perfectly attuned, perfectly lined up to lead you down your path of becoming.
What if you just decided that even when it feels like it's not working out, in fact, it is all working out.
What if you could sit with the suffering you are in in this moment. What if you could sit with it and allow it to wash over you, allow the pain to vibrate within you, allow yourself to feel how hard it may feel, so that you could get to a point of being so present, so willing to see what is in this moment, so open to all-that-is, as it moves through you.
And when you allow the suffering to move through you and the feelings to move through you, you get to this place of presence where you accept what is, because you've already held space for the pain.
And when you accept what is, you can tell yourself that you've decided that everything is working out for you. You do not need to know what's going to come. You do not need to see the entire path laid out before you. You simply allow yourself to remember that everything is working out, all of it, even when things don't seem to be working out.
In fact, they are working out for you, explicitly for you, just as they could, would, should, so that you can be still and then take the next best step for you. And that next best step will not rise from the pain and the suffering. That next best step will rise from the innate knowing that everything is working out.
Everything is working out for you, and we invite you to marinate in that. And we mean it. Everything is working out. We invite you to say it to yourself aloud now.
Say, ‘Everything is working out for me.’
And when you feel pain, when you suffer, when you cry, allow those feelings, allow it all. And then, once you feel the expression is complete, acknowledge everything is working out.
Say, ‘Everything is working out for me.’
Remind yourself of it. Write it down. Put it in your calendar. Write it on a note that you can hang on your door. Every time you leave, every time you return, you say, you acknowledge, that everything is working out.
This concept will shift paradigms for you. It will allow you to step into new spheres of being, what some of you may call timelines. It's simply a new reality or a new version of the illusion that is reality to you.
This shift happens when you simply acknowledge that everything is working out, everything is working out exactly as it should, just for you.
And that's what we wish to leave for you today. That's what we live wish to leave on the altar between us, as she says, as she loves to say, that is the offering for all sweet souls.”