You Are Abundant
Over the summer, I had a breakthrough.
Like a big breakthrough.
Like the sort that finally settled into my body.
Like a soul truth that eventually stuck.
It's about abundance. And since I've been talking about abundance a whole lot with my clients, I want to talk about it a whole lot with you now.
Abundance is the cause and not the effect.
Yes, you heard me right.
Abundance is not an outcome.
Abundance is not an end result.
Abundance is not a consequence.
Abundance is who you are in your most natural state. When you feel whole, when you feel love, when you feel calm, when you embody soul.
Abundance is your birthright. You were born abundant. And slowly, the systems of humanity stripped you of this innate knowing, this innate trust in your resourcefulness.
You are so resourced. Even when you live paycheck to paycheck.
You are so held. Even when you lack compassion for yourself.
You are so nourished. Even when you feel scarcity.
Abundance is just who you are.
The soul says, “We are abundant. We always have been. We always will be.”
Now, you may not meet some metric set by someone outside of you but what they think about abundance is none of your business.
What matters is what YOU THINK, what YOU SAY, what YOU FEEL. And that's because, abundance is a frequency. It is a pitch. It is a specific resonance.
When you vibrate at that resonance, you can't help but feel abundant. And then, more abundance flows to you. It literally can't help but be magnetized to your frequency.
It's science, folks. I don't make the rules, my soul just remembers them. Your sweet soul is here to remember, too.
Now, since the frequency of abundance is tied to what you THINK, SAY, and FEEL, I would like to lay an invitation on the altar between us.
Be very aware of your thoughts.
Be very aware of how you speak to yourself and others.
Be very aware of how you feel.
Because in that moment of awareness, you may choose a different frequency. You may choose to allow what you thought, what you said, and what you felt. Just allow it.
Then, bring a lot of curiosity to it in order to integrate it.
Sweet soul, the sooner you integrate it, the sooner you can move onto better thoughts, better words, and better feelings.
And in those moments when you allow, process, and integrate, you transform. You shift frequencies. You become your most abundant self.