My Soul Told Me to Move (Across the Country)
A selfie in September 2024. © Maggie Battista 2024
I'm not quite sure how to start this story so let's just begin. It's gonna be a bit raw and stream of consciousness. So buckle up, sweet souls.
My vulnerable share may present a bit of discomfort. Please know that there is wisdom in that discomfort.
If you are triggered by my choices…
If you are triggered by my sharing…
If you are triggered by my process…
If you are even tempted to unsubscribe…
I promise, there is medicine in exploring those triggers. And I leave that on the altar between us. Okay, let's begin.
Here are some soul truths:
The more you feel, the more life rises to meet you.
The more you fall apart, the more your life comes together.
The more you share your vulnerabilities, the more your people find you.
The more you love yourself, the more you know love is all that matters.
The Story
In February of this year, I returned from a trip to Oregon knowing that it was time to relocate, to plant my body into a new field so it can be nourished by a wildly different set of nutrients.
Nutrients like love, care, presence, music, adventure, community, softness, ease, more love, and land.
In April of this year, my current life fell away when I learned that I needed surgery to walk without pain. It felt like a blunt force but I succumbed to it, softly, pulling my life apart, giving much away, and relocating to a temporary tiny room in which to heal.
In my tiny room, I became one with the wind, with the leaves, with the raindrops, with real presence, with the ancestors, with other dimensions, with my gifts.
I was scared and lonely, and I knew I was ready for this expansion. I also knew it was time to make a big decision from the soul.
Today, I feel the call within like a symphony. It's perfectly attuned to the magic unfolding around me, to the rise and fall of my emotions, to the sweetness of my gifts, to my people and the ancestors.
And to my soul, who loves me, really loves me, without conditions, with less attachment, with far less judgment.
Your soul loves you without conditions, attachment, and judgment, too.
Next week, I am following the call of the soul to move to a new land. Before I tell you where, I need to tell you how the mind wanted to make the magic of this soul call make logical sense.
For months, I searched for a logical reason to move across the country.
For example, the mind looked up my astro-cartography to see if my new home fed me cosmically.
The mind also looked into potential clients and co-working spaces to see if my new home fed me financially.
The mind even researched the cost of living differences, to make it make even more sense.
But when I truly listened, to my sweet soul, to my ancestors, I heard:
“You are moving for love of self and that makes the most sense of all. It may bring discomfort. It may bring grief. It may bring unexpected challenges. But you are here for truth and that's your soul's truth. Period.”
For the next two weeks, I'll offer real presence as I make my ritualistic journey from the sea to the vast lands of the southwest.
Shortly, I will begin the drive to move to here:
A sunset from a roof deck in Austin, Texas. © Maggie Battista 2024
Austin, Texas
When people ask why I'm moving to Austin, they typically ask:
Are you moving for a person?
Are you moving for a job?
Are you moving for politics?
Are you moving for money?
Well, sweet souls, I am moving for a person, for the sweet soul within this person. I am moving for me.
I am moving so that I may start the next half of my life in a new place that resonates with my sweet soul.
I am 51 and it's time to begin anew, guided by the wisdom within and the multi-dimensional guidance I receive from my team.
I am also moving for love. I will tell you more stories about love once I get acclimated.
This process of choosing is what it feels like to follow the soul.
If you'd like to follow your soul,
to attune to its frequency,
to hear its calling,
to listen and take steps toward its desires,
I invite you to begin working with me.
My October calendar is now open.
Get Soul-Ancestral Guidance | Resonance Session:
You ask specific questions. I'll share what may be dimming your fullest expression through soul wisdom and personal ancestor messages.
These 1:1 sessions are like nothing else you've experienced. Though I am a medium, they are not medium sessions. I do not tell you what will happen. I tell you what you need to know in order to guide your own life. I provide guidance to help you heal and emerge.
I am direct, honest, sweet, and soft.
"I cannot thank you enough for our time together. This body and mind feels a heck of a lot lighter after such a potent session. I am so incredibly grateful." —J.A.
Though my cadence may shift slightly for a few weeks, I will be back in your inbox soon with a lot more soul wisdom, promise.