Soul Message: Slow Down
A Soul Message with the Ancestors
An image of a tiny altar and card from the Animal Apothecary. © Maggie Battista 2024
Yesterday, I surfaced a stream of soul wisdom in collaboration with the ancestors. Because it is directly connected to eclipse season, I heard the call to share it with you today.
This time, you can read it in full or listen to me share it with you.
“Slow down, slow down. Go slow.
Yes, there is a lot of hype and wildness moving around you. Given the time we are moving through, we wish for you to remember that this season, this moment, this sort of cosmic moment that you call ‘eclipse season,’ lasts a month in your time.
So take your time, or you will miss its meaning. You will miss its messages. Take your time. Listen closely.
We can feel you in the field. We know that you wish to grow. You wish to shift. You wish to quantum leap into your highest self. You wish to grow and transform. We get it. We got it.
We want you to know that the fact that you wish for growth is the growth.
And so take this time, these next few weeks, to listen carefully and notice, because we are beginning a new cycle, a new series of stories.
Yes, we are releasing.
Yes, we are rebirthing and transforming anew.
And, yes, there is a new series of cycles, of stories, that are unfolding for you.
You will miss them if you do not slow down. Slow down and listen and reflect on what's happening for you right now.
If you are feeling tightness in your body in this moment, tightness in your chest, tightness in your neck, tightness in your jaw, tightness somewhere in your body, that is a call from the body, in collaboration with the soul, to slow down, to be patient, to know that everything is unfolding beautifully for you.
You are growing, you are changing, you are transforming, and you will only notice it if you bring real presence to this moment, if you don't rush, if you be still, if you rest, if you reflect, if you bring conscious awareness to all of you.
That's the invitation in this moment.”