You Can Hear The Ancestors, Too
Given that I've been in a small room for the last three months, healing an ankle injury, I've had a lot of time to listen closely.
To my mind and its worries.
To my heart and its grief.
To my soul and its unending compassion.
And as I listened, I had streams of conversations with my ancestors.
You too can hear your ancestors, if you want. I'll share one way to do that in a moment.
Now, I've heard my ancestors for many years. They whisper in my ear. They send messages in my dreams.
But laying horizontal in a 10-foot by 12-foot bedroom for a stretch of healing, I finally learned to trust what I hear across dimensions.
You see, as I've listened to my soul, I've learned to trust myself above all external inputs.
Not in an arrogant way.
Not in an “I'm-better-than-you” way.
Rather, in a quiet, confident way.
Except that I'm telling you about it now—so perhaps not so quiet. 🤣
But now, I clearly see how I've collaborated with them for years, like…
As I healed years of trauma, they healed.
As I create a safe space within, they entrust me with multidimensional wisdom.
As I offer reverence to them, they offer guidance and protection.
As I trust myself, they trust I will share their messages with full discernment.
This feels possible because I have studied how to be in right relationship with my ancestors for many, many years. And, my most profound lessons emerged through deep study in Solea Anani's Ancestral Reverence Mentorship Program.
Solea Anani’s Ancestral Reverence Mentorship
In this small group mentorship program, I learned how to bring some order and intention to all the ways I work with my ancestors.
Solea helped me:
Stabilize my connection to my healthy ancestors
Attune to all the ways I am in direct communication with them
Refine my altars and make sacred offerings as guided by my soul
This mentorship is very experiential. In it, you're guided into the astral realm to connect with near and distant ancestors. And nearly a year later, not only did my magic drop in, but Solea is still my mentor, helping me as I more deeply attune to the soul field.
Her space holding and deep listening skills has made it possible for me to hold space for some of you, 1-on-1 and in group ceremonies.
If you wish to connect with your mother's people and your father's people to reconcile old stories and deep pain, I trust this program is the best place for that deep soul work.
I also trust Solea implicitly.
Solea Anani’s Ancestral Reverence Mentorship
This post is a collaboration with Ancestral Reverence Guide Solea Anani. I only share spiritual programs that feel resonant and true. We Are Magic is an affiliate for this program.