Soul Message: You Are Right on Time
A Soul Message with the Ancestors
An image of the skies from Zilker Park in Austin, Texas. © Maggie Battista 2023
I had a little conference with my spirit guides and ancestors recently.
Yes, I just wrote that sentence.
Here's the thing: I was tired of showing up to chats with my medium, ready to just receive whatever they wanted to say.
This time, I wished to have a true dialogue between dimensions.
Yes, I'm trademarking that line.
In this 1-hour conversation, they validated everything I was already hearing, feeling, seeing, and deeply knowing.
Yes, I'm psychic, too.
There is an attunement that's dropped into me—which is why I've begun sharing my own messages from the ancestors.
And while it is lovely to laugh, shout, and cry around an astral table with those who are on the other side, I am also in co-creation with a soul family who is very much cheering for me on this side.
Aligning me to my path.
Sending me signs and synchronicities.
Protecting me, when necessary.
Rooting for me, always.
The more I channel messages from the ancestors—both for you here and with my clients—the more I trust that they are not just cheering. They are showing us the way.
Showing us a new way.
And so, in collaboration with the ancestors, I am coming to you with two new soul messages that show a new way.
Here is the message:
“You are right on time. You are right on time. You are right on time. And we can feel the tenderness in some of you as you hear that message.
Perhaps this is because you have felt so behind, behind on your goals, behind the eight ball, behind the wagon, in the very back seat of some moving vehicle. You have not felt like you have been in the front seat. Yet you are right on time.
You are arriving to yourself, to the moment, to the gift, in perfect timing. We feel the tenderness, because there are still parts of you, and some of you, who believe that time is a thing.
Time is simply a reference point. It is not a measure of a life. It is not a measure of an existence. It is not a measure of an impact that you may or may not make. Time is simply a coordinate, a moment in which you find yourself. That is all.
And in that way, anywhere you are at any moment is right on time. You are not behind. There is not more to do. You are perfectly positioned for this point in your life to be who you are, to make the impact that you make, to love yourself, to love others.
So we need you to know that you are right on time.
In the realm of the soul, remember, there is no past and there is no future. There are simply so many concurrent time spheres running and brushing up against each other.
All you need to concern yourself with—and it's not really a concern, it's a gift—the only gift before you is the present moment and the decisions and choices you make in the present moment. That's it.
Everything else is coming toward you when you are ready, as you are ready, as you unfold, as you learn, as you grow as you develop the capacity to hold more and more and more. And so when we say you are right on time, we mean:
You are present. You are in presence. You are in it. You are here. There is nothing more to do. There is nothing more to say.
And yet, if there was more to do or more to say, the invitation to you is: Be more of you. Allow more of you to come to the surface.
Be you at 100%—not thirty or fifty or seventy-five percent. Be you at 100%. Go all in on you, because it is that specialness within you, the perfect combination of your personality and your dreams and your gifts and your brilliance—all of that is why you're here, to explore all of that, to come into all of that, to witness what you're going to do with it.
So be more of you. And, that can be tender, too. We understand when someone here is being more of you, it can be tender for some of you.
And that is because you focus on being less, you focus on being small, you focus on diminishing your gifts and your power. And you do this to fit in, to please those around you, to acquiesce to those in your sphere.
Sweet souls, you are not here to play small. You are not here to be small. You are not here to live small. You came here to be all of you.
So our invitation to you is to be more of you. Be more of you. Be more of you. Truly.
There are no goals, but if there was a goal, it is ‘Be more of you’ in every moment.
Ask yourself these questions:
How can I bring more of myself into this sphere of intimacy?
How can I bring more of myself into this particular bit of art I am making?
How can I bring more of myself into this conversation?
How can I bring more of myself, allow more of myself, as I simply walk down the street and take in nature?
Be more of you.
And remember, you're doing your very best. This existence is a little bit of two steps forward and one step backward. That's what life is. We learn, we grow, we make mistakes, we learn again.
As well, understand that your aura, your energy, is always trying to find some balance in the field. And so when you take a leap forward, and it feels good, and then you take a step backward, and it does not feel so good, it is just the soul rebalancing itself, integrating itself, allowing itself to settle into who it is, what it is, how it feels. So just allow that rebalancing, that harmonizing to unfold, to occur.
It is okay. It is perfect. It is you. We are you.”